Legal advisory services: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 457
20 jan
Re-advertisement of contract number: 021-2024/2025: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of legal service providers. Scope of work: The successful legal practices will, as and when required by the Client render legal services on a wide range of areas, including but not limited the following: - Handling litigations and claims on behalf of the Client in the Magistrate Court, High Court, Labour Court and CCMA, and any court of law proceedings (including allocation of relevant legal representatives where applicable such as briefing of legal councils and advocates); - Provide comprehensive legal advisory and administrative support to the Client Legal unit and its personnel; - Provide Corporate, Commercial and Regulatory Compliance legal advice; - Provide labour related legal support and advisory, including handling labour related matters as per Client instructions; - Provide legal opinion on certain Client processes’ compliance with relevant laws, regulations, Acts, and government guidelines and based on jurisprudence; - Handle the Client ’s general legal issues as per instructions given for such, including liaising with relevant institutions on behalf of the Client where required to do so for matters assigned; - Debt Collection/Debt Recovery; - Conduct Legal Due Diligence, where instructed by the Client; - Review and draft policies and/or legislation and provide Training on various pieces of legislation and any other related legal issues; - Assist the Client with some of its contract management functions and administration, where required; - Assist with corporate communication that may need legal inputs (including media communication), whererelevant; - Advise the Board on matters of corporate governance and changes to legislation; - Assist the Client’s audit process, including provision of legal confirmations and any other reporting as and when required; - Provide legal opinions and advise as and when requested by the Client; - Any other field of Law that is relevant to the working environment of the Client; - Any other legal related matter as may be required by Client from time to time. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 117623030

Country: South Africa


28 nov
Appointment of legal consultant for providing legal advisory services (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: NTPC Limited eProcurement Portal

Number: 114966043

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

27 nov
Appointment of legal consultant for providing legal advisory services (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: Central public Procurement portal India

Number: 114890643

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

29 aug
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a bidder for the employee wellness programme service provider for the South African Diamonds and Precious Metals Regulator employees (SADPMR) for twenty-four (24) months period. Scope: Counselling Services: - Toll free telephonic supportive counselling by fully qualified counsellors (24/7/365) for all employees and their families; - Eight face to face, virtual or telephonic counselling sessions per employee and family member per issue per year with the option to extend sessions as and when required on a pre-approval basis, by the Human Resources Manager; - The service should be available in the twelve (12) official languages and the national footprint of the service provider needs to be sound to accommodate SADPMR employees at the Head Office, Kimberley, Cape Town and Durban offices; - Trauma debriefing/Group counselling sessions as per the business times of the SADPMR is important 24/7/365; - Virtually/Electronic on-line advisory services, Management advisory services and SMS call back system; - Reports on individual formal referral cases will follow the following format: - Formal report after second session. Final report after final session; - Regular progress feedback in between to referring Manager/Human Resources Manager; - Wellness utilization report in every six (6) months. Mental Health Intervention: - Two (2) group sessions per year; - Four (4) mental awareness interventions per year; - Three (3) individual clinical sessions for identified employees per year. Organizational and Managerial: - Two (2) group coaching session per year for employees below management; - Two (2) group coaching session per year for senior managers. Relationship Interventions: - Two (2) sessions for couple counselling per year; - Two (2) group awareness campaigns per year regarding relationships which may include matters such as divorce/cohabitation/child family care/legal issues/Gender Based Violence; - Two (2) Loss/grief/trauma debriefing session per annual for SADPMR employees. Health and lifestyles: - Lifestyle management one event per year: - Weight, blood pressure, diabetes, dread diseases, addiction (drug abuse, substance abuse, gambling and any other addictions). Executive Coaching: - Two (2) group coaching session per year for executive management; - Continuous coaching with one executive (one on one) session once a quarter. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 109996882

Country: South Africa


04 may

Number: 103838498

Country: South Africa