on fences and fences: South Africa tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 31
26 aug
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of cleaning, gardening and hygiene services at various buildings in Koedoespoort, Watloo, Pyramid-South, Rosslyn, Capital Park, Hercules, Millhouse TransTel, Pretoria West, Pretoria North and Pretoria Nzasm Clinic for a period of three (3) months. Scope: The extent of the cleaning and grass cutting services to be provided includes: - Cleaning offices, toilets, bathrooms, stoops, parking, and other areas; - Deep cleaning services; - Sanitary waste services (disposal certificate to be provided for each disposal); - Sorting waste, and; - Any other services arising out of or incidental to the above or required of the Service Provider for the proper completion of the service in accordance with the true meaning and intent of the contract. The extent of the gardening and landscaping service to be provided includes, but not limited to: - Maintenance of flower beds; - Maintenance of lawns; - Maintenance of veld-grass surfaces; - Weed control; - Maintenance of trees; and; - Maintenance of shrubs; - Maintenance of grass against the walls, parameters and other fences; - Roads, parking areas and all paved, concrete and tarred surfaces; - Pest control on the plants; - Any other services arising out of or incidental to the above or required of the Contractor for the proper completion of the service in accordance with the true meaning and intent of the contract. Location of Service: Tshwane. Name of Institution: TP. Please note that this quotation was published late. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 109786719

Country: South Africa


25 jul
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Boundary and internal fence maintenance services contractor within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority for a period of thirty days. Scope of Work: • Perform regular patrols and monitor all the fences on a continuing basis; • Timeously repair, maintain and where necessary replace any part of the fences that are damaged, stolen or broken; • Keep the fences, clear of vegetation by cutting back shrubs, trees and branches, disposing of the cuttings and applying approved herbicides to that area; • Keep fence and surrounding, clear of litter; • Manage access for purposes of natural resources harvesting to the Ozabeni Section of the park; • Regularly report upon the condition of the fences and promptly report any damage to any part of the fence; • Assist with the security of the fences and where required, appoint a third-party services provider thereof; • Order, store and control adequate supplies of all consumables; • Insure the fence for inter alia theft, vandalism, flood damage, fire; • Effect major repairs after obtaining the written authorization of the CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority; • Set up control room and stores at suitable location; • Acknowledge that Ezemvelo is a day-to-day conservation manager of the Park; • Abide by the park rules; • The works will be situated at the listed iSimangaliso Wetland Park’s Boundary and Internal Fences; • Dangerous animals occur in the Park, and the service provider is required to provide dangerous-game training for all its Staff. Please note that this quotation was published late (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 108059805

Country: South Africa


27 jun

Number: 106627172

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

15 mar
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Maintenance of private siding for a period of 2 months as and when required: Patrolling shall include the following duties and responsibilities: (a) Patrolling and inspection of tracks, turnouts, and adjacent drains and structures, (b) The recording of defects which would not affect the safe running of trains, but nevertheless require attention, (c) The recording of defects which would affect the safe running of trains and the taking of action described herewith: (d) The clear marking of all rusted, loose, broken or missing fastenings observed during the daily patrol, (e) The inspection of fences in close proximity to the track and a report on their condition, (f) The fastening of all loose bolts in turnouts and on fish-plated track, (g) The reporting of missing or damaged road and rail signs for level crossings, Should the patrolman/turnout attendant observe a track defect or damage which could influence the safe running of trains, he is to place an upright red flag at the site of the damage as well as a red flag on either side of it. Preference must be given to the side from which the first train is expected. Thereafter he must take immediate action to communicate dangerous circumstances to the Contractor and Transnet Train Operations or LE&GE, Clean spillage for free movement of points blade on turnouts and service turnouts as and when required, Replacement or tightening of the following items of material: - Sleeper to rail fastenings where missing or loose, - Fishbolts and crossing bolts where missing or loose, Clean and paint clearance markers when necessary, on request, Remove any material obstructing walking areas between the tracks, Hours of duty to be from 07:00 to 16:00 daily (weekends and public holidays excluded). A service by a turnout attendant of a turnout shall include the following: 1. Cleaning slide chairs and lubrication of slide chairs, 2. Cleaning pull, back and front rods when required, 3. Testing of condition of tumbler, 4. Testing movement of switchblades, 5. Inspection of loose and missing bolts, tighten and replace where necessary, 6. The condition of complete turnout – ‘Visual Inspection’, 7. Check for broken lug chairs. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 101372100

Country: South Africa


27 feb
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply & repair museum buildings & fences. Specifications: A: Picket Fence: size: 24m w x 26m L: 1. Remove all peeling paint and clean all surfaces, 2. Prime the timber with acrylic or latex primer, 3. Paint with two coats of white acrylic paint, 4. Remove roots & reassemble existing fence, B: Pitt street house: 1. Supply & paint entire roof (52 SQ.M) with Duram or similar approved roof paint (red), 2. Replace existing damaged planks with tongue & groove pine ceiling planks (20 SQ.M), 3. Prime the timber with acrylic or latex primer, 4. Paint with two coats of white acrylic paint, - Pitt street house roof: 1. Supply & replace roof sheets: 9 x 4m: 0.48BMT corrugated iron (paint red), 2. Supply and install seamless roof flashings to waterproof the corrugated iron sheets x 3.500mm (paint red), 3. Supply and install roof ridge capping 231 x 231 x 7m (paint red), C: Millwood house: 1. Supply and install existing damaged planks with tongue & groove pine ceiling planks x 10, 2. Prime the timber with acrylic or latex primer, 3. Paint with two coats of white acrylic paint, - Gutters - Millwood house: Supply and install seamless PVC round gutters and one down pipe with a shoe, D: Old Gaol Museum - Visitor’s Room & toilet: 1. Clean & remove paint stains on floor, 2. Repair and paint door, 3. Supply & install a hook & eye latch on visitor’s door, 4. Supply and install ventilator pipes - Men’s toilet, 5. Supply & install wooden toilet seats x 2, - Old Gaol palisade fence: 1. Supply and install 2 x footings on palisade. Cold galvanize welded posts, - Crack on wall: Courtyard: Remove roots/trees embedded into walls, insert poison and repair the cracks. - Roof leak: Coffee Shop: 1. Supply & replace 7 x roof sheets: 2m x 0.5mm galvanized IBR, 2. Hammer into place planks in the louvers, - Old Gaol floors: 1. Refresh vanished floors (entrance foyer & maritime exhibition’s room). Patch & repair all holes using wood filler. Sand the floors. Stain with oil based oak coloured vanish, 2. Paint stoop area with heritage blue oil based stoop paint. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 100354686

Country: South Africa


12 feb

Number: 99470104

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

29 aug
Prince Albert Municipality hereby invites formal written quotations for the conducting of a topographical survey in Leeu-Gamka. Extent of Survey: 1) In general, all detail which may have a bearing on the selection of the final design of the proposed water and sewer infrastructure and engineering requirements for its construction, shall be included in the survey. This will include existing levels, existing services and other physical features within the road reserves, public open spaces and servitudes. 2) Contours representing 200mm vertical intervals above Mean Sea Level (MSL) supplemented by spot heights where contours are not sufficient to portray ground shapes accurately. Sufficient heights shall be provided where this may affect the engineering design and to allow a reliable longitudinal section to be plotted. 3) Existing natural features such as rivers, streams, canals, watercourses, wetlands, etc with the direction of flow indicated. 4) Existing plantations within the proposed development area such as individual trees (with girth indicated), shrubs, etc. as well as the perimeter of any plantations bordering on the proposed development area. 5) Existing road infrastructure including streets, walkways, pathways, cycleways, guardrails, kerbing and channelling with type of surfacing and kerbing indicated. Levels to be taken include left edge, right edge and centre line of roads. 6) Existing storm water infrastructure such as bridges, structures, manholes, catchpits, inlets, outlets, channels and culverts/pipes. Indicate invert and cover levels of all structures as well as diameter of culverts/pipes and direction of flow. 7) Existing water infrastructure such as treatment works (all infrastructure and features within), reservoirs, elevated tanks, valves, hydrants, chambers and route markers (where visible). Depth of structures, valve and hydrant chambers to be indicated (to top of pipe). Diameter and alignment of pipes to be indicated where available. 8) Existing sewer infrastructure such as treatment works (all infrastructure and features within), pump stations, manholes and other structures. Indicate invert and cover levels of all structures as well as diameter of pipes and direction of flow. 9) Existing electrical and telecommunication infrastructure such as poles, stays, kiosks, minisubstations, substations, transformers, etc. Indicate type, overhead or underground. 10) Existing buildings and/or structures encroaching within the road reserve boundary. State the type of building and function, if other than domestic dwelling. 11) Existing fences and/or boundary walls indicating gates, driveways and access points. 12) Other visible features and street furniture such as roads signs, benches, bus/taxi stops, bollards, etc. 13) Existing cadastral information must be indicated including erven, road reserves, servitudes, erf numbers, etc. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 90045988

Country: South Africa


04 jul
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repair, replace, service and install palisade fences, booms, swing gates, gates, turnstiles, garage doors, roller shutter doors and roller shutter window coverings including motors for operation of all the mentioned fixtures and fittings for SANSA Hermanus. Scope of work (terms of reference): SANSA is seeking to appoint a preferred supplier to repair, replace, service and install palisade fences, booms, swing gates, gates, turnstiles, garage doors, roller shutter doors and roller shutter window coverings including motors for operation of all the mentioned fixtures and fittings at SANSA located in Hermanus, Western Cape on an as and when required basis for a three (3) year period. The services are required at the SANSA Hermanus Facility located at SANSA in the Western Cape. The appointed supplier will be required to enter into an SLA with SANSA. Specifications: 1. Palisade Fence: • 4km in length; • Galvanized; • Panel size: 2, 3m x 3m; 2. Gate – Main gate (entrance): • Centurion D10 motor; • Guided on track with infrared sensor; • 19mm casters on gate; • Self closing; 3. Swing gates: • Centurion Swing arm gate motor; • 1.8m x 1.2m; 4. Turnstile: • 3 arm full height; • Hand operated drive; • Card Reader integrated; 5. Garage doors motors and services (x 7): • ET motor; • Door style: slatted roller shutter; • Chain driven; • Spring tensioned; 6. 1 x set of Boom gates: • Boom length 2 x 3m with chain; 7. Roller shutter Windows: • 2 + Main building; • 2 + Research building; - The mentioned items listed are serviced annually; - Items number 4 and 6 are currently undergoing upgrades; - The list is not exhaustive as SANSA is in the process of undergoing several upgrades; - Model numbers, and quantities are subject to change; - Supplier to confirm measurements; 8. Motors. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 86913405

Country: South Africa


03 jul
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: General facilities maintenance contract for Limpopo Eskom Telecommunications Radio Sites for a period of 3 years on an as-and-when required basis. Scope of works: Facilities maintenance and repairs service: • Carpentry; • Concrete and building works; • Earth testing and repairs; • Earthing of equipment; • Electrical cable installation and repairs; • Electrical maintenance and repairs; • Digging of cable trenches and filling them with concrete where required; • Installation and repairs of cable racks and trays; • Installation and repairs of lightning protection; • Installation and repairs of shelters over containers; • Lighting installations and maintenance; • Manufacture and installation of anti-theft devices for doors, batteries, battery vents, air conditioners; • Manufacture and installation of protective cages for sirens, lights, keypads; • Metal cladding of containers; • Minor building works; • Painting; • Providing a COC for electrical work; • Provision and installation of signage; • Repairs and sealing of roofs and ceilings; • Repairs on all fencing including electric fences, palisades, wire mesh and welded mesh fences; • Repairs on gates and gate motors; • Repairs to buildings; • Repairs to containers • Re-wiring of electrical distribution boards; • Generator maintenance; • Steel and welding work; • Security incident repairs e.g. theft and vandalism repairs. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 86833865

Country: South Africa


03 jul
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: General facilities maintenance contract for Limpopo Eskom Telecommunications Radio Sites for a period of 3 years on an as-and-when required basis. Scope of works: Facilities maintenance and repairs service: • Carpentry; • Concrete and building works; • Earth testing and repairs; • Earthing of equipment; • Electrical cable installation and repairs; • Electrical maintenance and repairs; • Digging of cable trenches and filling them with concrete where required; • Installation and repairs of cable racks and trays; • Installation and repairs of lightning protection; • Installation and repairs of shelters over containers; • Lighting installations and maintenance; • Manufacture and installation of anti-theft devices for doors, batteries, battery vents, air conditioners; • Manufacture and installation of protective cages for sirens, lights, keypads; • Metal cladding of containers; • Minor building works; • Painting; • Providing a COC for electrical work; • Provision and installation of signage; • Repairs and sealing of roofs and ceilings; • Repairs on all fencing including electric fences, palisades, wire mesh and welded mesh fences; • Repairs on gates and gate motors; • Repairs to buildings; • Repairs to containers • Re-wiring of electrical distribution boards; • Generator maintenance; • Steel and welding work; • Security incident repairs e.g. theft and vandalism repairs. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 86833866

Country: South Africa