Fuel oils: South Africa tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 7
24 apr
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Mechanical repairs to dennis fire truck DVS234EC. Scope of work: Cab and crew cab: • Repair the seats and re-upholster; • All steps gaining access to cab to be repaired; • Entire cab of vehicle to be vale cleaned on the inside; • New mudflaps to be fitted to the truck; • All door rubbers to be replaced with new rubbers; • New floor rubbers to be fitted to the crew cab of the truck; • Engine cover in cab to be repaired and new catches to be fitted, the engine cover must receive isolating rubbers and material to reduce the engine noise in the drivers cap; • Right hand door handle on the inside to be repaired; • Left hand door window must be replaced; • Right rear door lock must be repaired. Mechanical repairs: • The brake system of the vehicle must be repaired – brakes low; • Wipers must be repaired – not working; • The steering box must be overhauled – leaking oil; • Oil leak on the engine must be repaired; • Diesel leak on the fuel system must be repaired; • King pins must be replaced; • Gearbox oil leak to be repaired; • Centre bearing on the prop shaft must be replaced and prop shaft to be balanced; • Wheel alignment must be set and steering to be centralized; • Reverse lights must be repaired; • The water tank must be completely removed from the vehicle and welded, currently it is leaking excessively and reinstalled; • The water tank level gauge in the pump bay must be repaired; • An aluminium ladder to be manufactured on the left rear of the truck to gain excess to the top of the deck; • All four deliveries on the firefighting pump must be serviced and one must receive a new lug; • The engine must be serviced, all filters to be replaced and oils to be drained. Supply new parts: • Fit new yellow tape and reflectors on truck according to traffic specifications; • Re-upholster the seats and install new carpets; • Replace all shocks on the vehicle; • Replace brake pedal and accelerator rubbers. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 103411395

Country: South Africa


15 jan
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to undertake call-out for hazardous substance spill clean-up consisting of any fuel spills, hydraulic oils, Airports Company South Africa, Cape Town International Airport. Scope of work: The purpose of this requisition is to source a service provider for CTIA’s Fire Department that will provide: 1. Emergency response services and clean-up capabilities for hazmat spills on the aerodrome (e.g. chemicals, fuels, sewage); 2. Remediation in the event of a release to the environment; 3. Safe disposal of hazardous materials; 4. Supply hazmat materials, consumables, and equipment; 5. Disposal of hazardous waste from clean-ups (e.g., used absorbent materials) or from training exercises (burnt materials). Emergency Response Services & Remediation: When requested, the service provider is required to undertake the following: 1. Respond to emergency incidents on or relating to Cape Town International Airport; 2. Containment of hazardous material spills to limit downstream impacts and neutralize hazards on the aerodrome; 3. Remediation of the environment (land / water) in accordance with legislation; 4. Assist with Emergency Reporting requirements in terms of the National Environmental Management Act, the National Water Act, and local authorities amongst others; 5. Removal, transportation, and safe disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, close out reports are to be issued post remediation of incidents, safe disposal certificates and waste manifest documents are to be provided for all waste disposed, the service provider will be accredited in terms of the legislation, and specifically in terms of the City of Cape Town’s Integrated Waste Management Bylaw to transport and dispose of waste. Disposal of Waste: - Spill absorbent booms used spill clean-up materials, and residue from training exercises will require disposal from time to time. The service provider will be responsible for the collection, removal, transportation, and disposal of waste to a suitable site; - The service provider will be accredited in terms of the legislation, and specifically in terms of the City of Cape Town’s Integrated Waste Management Bylaw to transport and dispose of waste. General: Service provider needs to make provisions for permits to access and operate within the aerodrome. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 97806086

Country: South Africa


10 oct
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fuels & Lubricants: - 20 each x Fuel - Type: Two Stroke Mixture; Packaging: 20litre; Specification: the supply and delivery of a two-stroke fuel mix for the use in high performance air - cooled brush cutters and chainsaws. The product shall be designed to meet all tough challenges a two stroke engine oil can encounter as described. 1. The product offered shall be a combination of a fuel component (specifically designed for two-stroke equipment), which is blended together with a low smoke high performance lubricant at a ratio of 50:1, 2. The product shall offer the following benefits, in that it shall: - keep the engine clean and free from harmful deposits when the machine is being used under extreme difficult conditions for long periods of time. - lubricate all engine components thoroughly and effectively. - maintain a good flow rate even in extreme cold. - mix freely with fuel and remain in suspension. - have colouration so that one can see when it has been mixed. - minimize the build-up of sticky deposits. - be able to withstand high operating temperatures - have selected additives to combat negative effects of poor fuel quality. 3. The oils used as the lubricant shall be formulated from high quality HVI paraffinic base oils, blended from virgin base stock and containing suitable additives. Samples taken from any portion of the supply shall be free from impurities. No reclaimed oils are to be used. 4. The fuel mix lubricant component shall be a two- stroke self-mixing oil and not only meet but exceed the requirements of the specification JASO FB or API TC. The product offered must be approved by Stihl and Husqvarna horticultural equipment suppliers for use at a ratio of higher than 40:1 in air cooled engines operating up to 13 000 RPM at a high load. 5. Tenderers are requested to supply via a covering letter from either of the said manufacturers, confirmation that the product offered is OEM approved. 6. To ensure OEM acceptance of products offered in this tender, the product shall have API and/ or JASO performance licenses / certification the product shall be listed as approved on the API web site, 7. The product shall be supplied in new, sound, clean and dry 20 litre containers. Where plastic containers are used, certification of the plastic being suitable for such use must be provided. Alternatively, Council will provide jerry-can containers which must be filled at a controlled site. 8. The containers or packages supplied shall be clearly marked with the product name. The name characters "TWO STROKE FUEL MIXTURE" shall be approximately 20mm in height and shall be stencilled or labelled to ensure legibility. In order to avoid warranty disputes the City of Cape town will only accept offers from suppliers who are approved by Stihl or Husqvarna Original Equipment Manufacturers; Preferred Brand: Stihl & cutters or Equivalent. Delivery Date: 2023/12/04, Delivery To: Logistics - Delft Store Materials Store, Delivery Address: 1 Civil Depot, Delft. Please note that this quotation was published late. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 92305548

Country: South Africa


09 mar

Number: 79321321

Country: South Africa

Source: SA-Tenders