Electricity distribution: South Africa tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 21
11 mar
Quotations are hereby invited for the drafting of an independent report of the long-term financial plan for the ten (10) year period up until 30 June 2035. Specifications: 1. The previous 3 year’s historical information (2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024) (Statement of Financial Performance) to provide for a basis to reflect on the financial performance of the Municipality in the past and to plot future financial trends, 2. The Statement of Financial Position and the Cashflow statement are also required for a 10 year period. Three years MTREF and 7 years forecasting based on assumptions. The budget assumptions must be clearly documented in the report, 3. The latest approved 3 year’s MTREF operating budget (2024/2025, 2025/2026, 2026/2027), to provide for a basis to project the financial performance of the Municipality for the next 3 years. The format must be the same as the historical Income Statement aforementioned, 4. Also include the information of the Mid-Year Adjustment Budget for 2024/2025, 5. Appropriate corresponding summary tables (as prescribed by National Treasury) must be provided for the capital budget per Municipal Standard classification, 6. The LTFP must provide forecasting for the next 7 years, therefore 10 years in total if the MTREF period is added, 7. The following ratios must be provided for (Use the formulas as per Stellenbosch Municipality policies or if not included in the policies the formulas in the MFMA circular 71): 7.1. Current ratio, 7.2. Debtors collection ratio, 7.3. Employee cost ratio, 7.4. Cash generated from operations as % of own Revenue, 7.5. Cost coverage, 7.6. Debt to Revenue, 7.7. Gearing ratio, 7.8. Water distribution losses, 7.9. Electricity distribution losses, 7.10. Outstanding services debtors as % of total annual service revenue, and 7.11. Revenue growth, 7.12. Each input for these ratios must be linked to the model and data set or provide for separate easy input by municipal officials, 7.13. These ratios must be provided for the previous 3 years (historical), the next 3 years (as per latest MTREF), plus 7 years thereafter to complete the 10-year planning period, 8. Detailed explanation for variances on the above specified variances must be provided in the report, 9. In addition to the ratio, a list of financial indicators must be developed and presented in a “dashboard” format. These dashboard items will be provided by the municipality, 10. Sensitivity analysis of external funding calculations to indicate the impact on the financial position and future rates and tariffs of future borrowings within the policy framework of Council must be provided, 11. The municipality will provide the capital projects as encapsulated in the Capital Expenditure Framework, including the prioritization of capital projects for a 10-year planning period. The affordability envelope must be determined for the capital projects based on a funding mix. Assumptions and forecasts must be clearly documented, 12. The municipality has various ring-fenced reserves and provisions. The assessment must provide for the funding envelope of this for a 10-year planning period, 13. Link all information to the workings and assumptions that are being used, 14. The service provider must include the impact of all major current economic influencers such as load shedding, Eskom price increases, looming worldwide recessions, inflation indicators etc within the updating of the LTFP, 15. The report should include appropriate graphs, tables and figures, 16. Provision for a Net Present Value (NPV) calculator. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 120276123

Country: South Africa


28 feb
Re-advertisement: South African Forestry Company SOC Limited invites tenders to supply and install solar panels and inverters system at Technical Services, Swartfontein. Scope of work: Besides electricity the server room has a backup 80KVA diesel generator with automatic start and separate distribution box. This solar system will serve as 2nd back up system when electricity and the generator system fail, therefore the connection must take this into account. The solar panels shall be installed on the existing roof of the main office at Technical Services. Cables about 125m shall be routed from the main office building to the workshop building where the inverters and chargers shall be installed to power the server room within the same structure. Deliverables: Full Engineering and design of solar according to applicable local and international standards for the identified area. The successful bidder will be required to calculate and balance voltage dips sometimes experienced in the area: • Supply and install JA solar panels 550W or similar approved complete with roof top mounting structure, • Supply and install roof top PV solar panels secured to power for 30kw inverter that will serve as back up to power server room complete with mounting structure, cabling, mounting hardware and infrastructure, connection works, • Supply and install transformer type 36 kw inverter complete - blue mountain 3 phase 15kw hybrid inverter or similar approved, for a usage of 40A, • Supply and install Fredom Won Lithium Batteries, 60/48 or similar approved, • Supply and install AC protection box, • Any other feature that ensure the system operates efficiently, • Submission of preliminary and final as build design documentation as well as compliance certificate to SAFCOL, • Issue COC for the works, • Commissioning and testing of the system, • Aftersales service for a minimum of three years, • Bidders must provide a list and cost breakdown of the deliverables on the quotation. Delivery address: Swartfontein Technical Services, Witklip Plantation, R537 White River Sabie Road, White River, 1240. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 100419002

Country: South Africa