Electrical services: South Africa tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 325
03 mar
Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the refurbishment of Boschmanskop 3kV DC tie station under the control of Ermelo Depot. Scope of works: Description of the Services: - Supply, installation, and commissioning of electrical equipment in Boschmanskop 3kV DC Tie station, - The Contractor shall supply, deliver, and install all electrical equipment as per section 5.1 then commission the substation, - Supply and install the high voltage AC primary circuit breaker in accordance with the client"s specification BBB 1267, - Supply and install a 5MVA traction transformer and be responsible for the filling of transformer oil, purification, and oil sampling on the main traction transformer in accordance with the client"s Specification BBB 5019, - Supply of an auxiliary transformer which shall comply with the requirements of SANS.780, - Supply and install the 3kV DC positive isolator in accordance with the client"s specification BBB 4724, - Supply and install the AC primary circuit breaker control panel and the AC/DC distribution panel in accordance with the client"s specification BBB 2721, - Supply, install, and commission a 53 cell 110 Volt Planté lead acid battery bank, - Supply and install the battery charger in accordance with the client"s specification BBB 2502, - Supply and install positive feeder cables, - Supply and install outdoor fencing, - 220V AC fluorescent light fittings shall be provided. The minimum lighting requirement shall be 100 lux in terms of the "Occupational Health and Safety Act". - Supply and install 3MVA distribution transformer in accordance with BBB 8204 Ver 4. (EN) add to Favorites
Deadline: 11 days

Number: 119834711

Country: South Africa


17 jan
Quotations are hereby invited for PRASA WC central line corridor: Cape Town to Nolungile via Mutual Train Station - OHTE, traction substations and per way condition assessment inspection services. Scope: The service provider will: a) Conduct an inspection of the 3kV DC OHTE, Traction Substations and Perway infrastructure from Cape Town to Nolungile via Mutual Train Station to assess the condition of the OHTE, Traction Substations and Perway infrastructure in the section. The service provider will also observe train traffic, and the types of trains used in the corridors; b) Engage in discussions with the following key PRASA personnel to understand the challenges experienced in the section and the controls implemented for safe train operations in the section: • Electrical Managers; • Perway Managers; • Train Operations Managers; • Safety Managers; • Any other relevant personnel that can assist with the verification inspection. c) Request and peruse the following OHTE, Traction Substations and Perway infrastructure documents: • OHTE and Traction Substations infrastructure Risk Assessments; • Traction Substation and OHTE Inspection reports; • Traction Substation test reports and other OHTE tests in the corridor; • Perway infrastructure risk assessments; • Perway infrastructure inspection reports; • Corridor Inspection reports; • Corrective Action Implementation Plan; • Any other relevant documents that may assist the service provider with the inspection; d) Conduct OHTE and Traction Substations verification tests with PRASA personnel where required. The required verification tests will be guided by the outcome of the inspections, discussions, and perusal of documents; e) Make recommendations to improve the OHTE, Traction Substations and Perway infrastructure conditions in the corridor; f) Provide a detailed inspection report covering the complete allocated scope; g) An estimated total of hours per expert/discipline in clause 12.1 will be allocated for this assignment. These hours include review of documents, site visits and inspections, interviews, drafting of the inspection report and any other relevant activity that will make this project a success. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 117529257

Country: South Africa


15 dec
Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to implement the objectives of an external minor works project. Scope: The Client requires the services of a contractor for the following: Perimeter Security: Roller shutter doors at each entrance gate (four entrances) (Client 1 and Client 2); • New automated and perforated roller shutter doors; • Steel support structure and associated pad foundations; • Linking the roller shutter doors to the existing Gallagher security system; • New 2.4m high electric fence (Client 1 and Client 2). Electric fence to communicate with the existing Gallagher security system and to be installed by a Gallagher approved sub-contractor. Interfacing the existing Gallagher system will be done by the in-house service provider. Perimeter fence: • Repair and repaint existing steel palisade fence (Client 1 and Client 2); • Replace damaged steel palisade fence panels to match existing (Client 1 and Client 2); • Low level dry stack retaining walls (Client 1). Landscaping and Irrigation: • Removal of existing trees and planting of new trees (Client 1 and Client 2); Soft landscaping focused on the main building entrances and street entrances to the site (Client 1 and Client 2). Borehole and irrigation booster pump station (Client 1): • Connecting the Client 1 borehole and tanks to the new irrigation ring main; • Upgrade existing borehole pump electrical equipment (Client 1); • Replace existing booster pump electrics (Client 1); • Clean out existing borehole water storage tank (Client 1). Irrigation: • Repair work to the existing irrigation mainline (Client 1 and Client 2); • Installation of a new ring main including turf valves (Client 1); • Limited drip irrigation (Client 1). (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 116068255

Country: South Africa


13 dec
Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a reputable service provider to provide cleaning and hygiene services to Gauteng Offices (Erasmuskloof, Centurion, Beta, Numerus and Medical Battalion) for a period of five (5) years. The scope of work for the bidders is as follow: (a) Cleaning and Hygiene services to Gauteng Offices (Erasmuskloof, Centurion, Beta, Numerus and Medical Battalion) for a period of Five (5) years, which includes the following: i. Cleaning of floors and surfaces in the entire building with an exception to restricted areas such as the electrical and mechanical emergency rooms and the main industrial kitchens at Centurion and Erasmuskloof; ii. Deep cleaning of carpets, couches and office chairs; iii. Cleaning of windows up to the level of 3 metres; iv. Provision of all cleaning material and cleaning equipment; v. Dusting; vi. Waste removal and recycling; vii. Cleaning of walls up to the level of 3 metres and paintwork; viii. Cleaning glass and metalwork; ix. Reception and entrance cleaning; x. Toilets and rest room cleaning; xi. Pests reporting; xii. Foyer cleaning; xiii. Blinds cleaning; xiv. Cleaning of office furniture and equipment; xv. Preparation and cleaning of meeting venues; xvi. Cleaning and filling water coolers; xvii. Cleaning of walkways; xviii. General housekeeping in and outside the buildings; xix. Cleaning of gym facilities; xx. Cleaning of all training facilities; xxi. Cleaning of security guard houses and change rooms; xxii. Cleaning emergency exits and doors; xxiii. Deep cleaning of the ablution; xxiv. Weekly servicing of sanitary bins (including provision of bin liners and powder); xxv. Quarterly deep cleaning of barrier mats; xxvi. Work to be in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and National Occupational Safety Association Standards; (b) The once-off supply of SHE bins and Monthly Servicing of Sanitary bins in all restrooms for a five (5) year period; (c) The once-off supply of barrier mats with the Clients logo and servicing of the mats for a five (5) year period. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 115973778

Country: South Africa


21 nov

Number: 114528770

Country: South Africa