Drainage works: South Africa tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 56
04 feb
Quotations are hereby invited for urgency floor repairs around cooking area, ceiling board and wash hand basin in the main kitchen. Scope of Works: Hand basin: 1. Remove broken hand basin, 2. Supply and install stainless steel bar sink, 15 x 15 with 2" drain, 3. Supply and install medical elbow action tap code: 515 055 21 and bottle trap, 4. Supply and install 15mm flexible pipe and connect to existing pipe and elbow action tap, Scalar-sink: 1. Supply and install P-Trap waste pipe to replace missing pipe, 2. Remove broken mixer, 3. Supply and install stainless steel industry mixer, 4. Replace broken clapping pipe, 5. Supply and install mixer with long flax pipe, 6. Remove existing 50mm PVC waste pipe, 7. Supply and install new 50mm PVC pipe, Female toilet: 1. Remove broken hand basin press button, 2. Supply and install star tap, 3. Supply and install wooden toilet seat cover, Floors: 1. Remove broken floor tiles, level floors with the correct angle for drainage into the drain grids without pooling, 2. Prepare floors sufficiently to ensure the full guarantee of the epoxy coating is upheld, 3. Supply and install quick dry anti-slip waterproof epoxy floor coating in line with Health and Safety Standards for Food Preparation Areas. The material thickness must be of Heavy Industrial Duty Standards, Ceiling board: 1. Remove broken aluminum cover strip 5m, 2. Supply and install new one 5m, 3. Supply and install new ceiling panel, 4. Replace broken window seal, Milk clinic: 1. Replace and seal the window - seal gap in milk clinic. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 118392561

Country: South Africa


21 nov

Number: 114528770

Country: South Africa


20 nov

Number: 114438599

Country: South Africa


13 nov
Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of professional services to conduct geotechnical/dolomitic stability investigation at Far East Bank Park. Scope: The scope of works is summarized as follows: - Two pedestrian bridges; - River management guidelines; - Large open areas with hard surfaces; - Robust sports play areas; - Smart cities integration; - Large open gathering areas; - Ablution facility; - Pathways; - Green gyms; - Play equipment and signage on site; - Park benches; - Traditional games; - Waste bins. Professional services required: The consultants will have to carry out preliminary geotechnical / dolomitic analysis investigation to determine the most suitable site to construct on. They will also be required to carry out detailed geotechnical investigation to provide design parameters for the design of the earthworks and foundations as well as identifying of geotechnical problems and mitigation thereof for the proposed Botanical Garden/park development. The Geotechnical and dolomitic investigation shall cover the scope stated and a full report with relevant information must be provided to the client: • Assess the mechanical properties of the soil underlain in the area; • Investigate the site’s suitability for the proposed development; • Classify the site into specific geotechnical zones based on varying foundation conditions; • Determine and evaluate the regional geological character of the study area; • Provide suitable foundation recommendations for the proposed development; • Recommend necessary precautionary measures during design, construction and for operational phase; • Geotechnical surveying of implementation area; • Flood analysis; • Soil profile and rock classification; • Dolomitic stability investigation; • Drainage; • Geohydrology, surface hydrology and groundwater; • Test pitting and materials testing. Department: CID. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 113988496

Country: South Africa


12 nov
Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of professional services to conduct geotechnical/dolomitic stability investigation at Protea South Park. Scope: The scope of works is summarized as follows: - Botanical garden style facility development; - A five-a side football field; - Swimming Pool; - Amphitheatre; - Multipurpose courts; - Administration Buildings; - Bridge construction; - Urban agriculture; - Parking areas; - General Park development complete with outdoor gym and play equipment. Professional services required: The consultants will have to carry out preliminary geotechnical / dolomitic analysis investigation to determine the most suitable site to construct on. They will also be required to carry out detailed geotechnical investigation to provide design parameters for the design of the earthworks and foundations as well as identifying of geotechnical problems and mitigation thereof for the proposed Botanical Garden/park development. The Geotechnical and dolomitic investigation shall cover the scope stated and a full report with relevant information must be provided to the client: • Assess the mechanical properties of the soil underlain in the area; • Investigate the site’s suitability for the proposed development; • Classify the site into specific geotechnical zones based on varying foundation conditions; • Determine and evaluate the regional geological character of the study area; • Provide suitable foundation recommendations for the proposed development; • Recommend necessary precautionary measures during design, construction and for operational phase; • Geotechnical surveying of implementation area; • Flood analysis; • Soil profile and rock classification; • Dolomitic stability investigation; • Drainage; • Geohydrology, surface hydrology and groundwater; • Test pitting and materials testing. Department: CID. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 113919857

Country: South Africa


11 aug
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Grass cutting - Group M. Specification: Halls, Airport and Substations: • Service providers to provide a service of grass cutting and litter picking in public parks, cutting grass and herbicide control (as and when required according to square meters at the time) in various areas identified within Umhlathuze Municipality for the period of 6 months. Purpose: • To manage vegetation in and around the airport by growth control of grass, trees, shrubs, and flora in order to improve the safety of aircraft safety and the security of the premises. Scope: 1. Cut and remove all trees and shrubs in the substations; 2. Cut back and remove to 3m clearance from the fence line, all trees and shrubs outside of the Perimeter fence; 3. Rake and remove from the site all loose grass; 4. Trim edges around the substations and spray the pavement and clear storm water drainage; 5. Poison treat weeds and grass along the perimeter fence on both sides of the fence. Frequency of work: 1. Cut and remove all trees and shrubs in the a substations once off and ad hoc; 2. Cut back and remove to 3m clearance from the fence line, all trees and shrubs outside of the perimeter fence once off and ad hoc; 3. Regularly cut grass to 200mm outside of the strip and 100mm within the strip three times in rainy season and twice a month in dry season; 4. Rake and remove from the site all loose grass after cutting of grass; 5. Trim edges around the airfield pavement and clear storm water drainage after cutting grass and ad hoc; 6. Poison treat weeds and grass along the perimeter fence once off and ad hoc; 7. Maintain the landside and airside garden and clean parking daily clean off leaves and debris, resources: - 2 x Self-powered brush cutter; - 2 x Garden spades; - 2 x Garden forks; - 1 x Self-power leaf blower; - 1 x Bakkie; - Miscellaneous garden tools and hand tools to effectively perform the works mentioned. Contract duration: The agreed contract period will be for a period of 6 months. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 108969352

Country: South Africa


20 mar
Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Property Entrance Storm Water System. The objective of the works is to provide a solution to the flooding that occurs on the road to the main entrance, at the Zuikerbosch Pumping Station (Fig1). The successful contractor will be required to upgrade the existing storm water system. The works shall entail the following: A) Remove the existing steel pipe (260m) and replace it with a concrete pipe of 150mm diameter, to a length of 190m. B) Demolish (5) existing masonry manholes. - 1 Type A Manhole; - 4 Type B Manholes. C) Rebuild (5) masonry manholes. - 1 Type A Manhole; - 2 Type B Manholes. D) Build 1 masonry outlet structure at the end of the newly installed pipe. E) Demolish and Rebuild 1 masonry inlet structure. F) Construction of a trapezoidal channel (120m) beginning at the outlet structure mentioned. G) Construct concrete slabs of (18m x 17m x 250mm) & (13m x 25m x 250mm), with thickening beams of (0.25 x 0.25 x 18m) & (0.25 x 0.25 x 13m) respectively. These slabs will be used as the ‘Truck Exit’ and ‘Truck Entry’. - The slabs shall be reinforced with Ref 888 reinforcing mesh and shall have expansion joints. H) Rip & recompact the truck waiting area to a depth of 300mm, (total area: 36m x 65m). I) Rehabilitate the existing 337m long earth channel by grading the surface and making sure to keep to the existing slope. J) Construct a masonry drainage manhole and install a 100mm PVC drainage pipe (10m) which must cross the road and join an existing Manhole. The Manhole must be 1m x 1m with a 200mm concrete cover slab and a grid inlet. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 101642188

Country: South Africa


27 feb
Rand Water Foundation (RWF) invites tenders for the following: Supply, deliver and install the following at Lethabo Site Offices: Scope: Supply all labour, material and equipment to install the Lethabo Pump Station Site Offices as detailed in the scope of work: - Phase 1: Preparation of the ground for placement of the porter camp, - Phase 2: Supply, delivery, and installation of porter Camp as per the drawing, - Phase 3: Supply, deliver and install office and kitchen furniture, - Phase 4: Connection to the site services (Electrical, potable water, and wastewater), - Phase 5: Supply, delivery, and assembling of office and kitchen furniture, - Phase 6: Paved Apron and Brick-up bottom of the porter camp to prevent sheltering of wildlife i.e. snakes, squirrels, and meerkats, - Phase 7: Covered and paved Carports. The porter camp offices and other buildings to be fully constructed with 3 set of keys for all locks and fitted with 2 off 48000 BTU inverter Split unit Air conditioner and accessories listed as part of the items. Supply, deliver and Install Porter Camp Offices: 11m long x 6m Wide with integrated Kitchenette: • Preparation of the ground/platform to position the porter camp, • The office space must have weather insulated painted walls, floor tiles, ceiling, doors and windows with burglar bars, and horizontal aluminum blinds, • Kitchenette to be ±2.5m long standard and ±2.5m width fitted with a wooden countertop, double sink, two drawers and two lower cupboards with shelves, Installation of the required plumbing and drainage system, • Supply, deliver and install 2 x flushing Toilets (Male & Female with labels): sewer system and plumbing to be connected to the existing sewer system. Installation of the toilets to be completed with privacy (frosted) windows and burglar bars. The toilet space must be fitted with 25L geyser, • Supply, deliver and install connection to the site electrical distribution board. Price to include fitting of 3 plug points in the kitchen, 6 plug points in the office space, lights (inside and outside all external doors) and switches, light bulbs, labour issuing of COC as per OHS act and SANS10142-1 and all the other necessary supplies. Plug point positions to be confirmed during execution of the works, • Supply, deliver and install Connection to the site services (portable water and wastewater), • Office building and toilets to be fitted with gutters, Awning over all doors and installation of a 2m paving apron all around. Supply, deliver and Install 4 x IBR roof covered and paved carports. The contractor to provide a fire extinguisher as part of the safety requirements. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 100354675

Country: South Africa