Compressors: South Africa tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 66
30 jan

Number: 118177117

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

08 oct

Number: 111882749

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ

12 jun
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to service, repair and maintenance of compressors and air dryers for a period of three (3) years. Scope: GA37 VSD Atlas Copco Compressor 1, Frequency (Per Annum): 4: - 2000 Hours Service: air and oil filter kit change; - 4000 Hours Service: air and oil filter kit change, clean coolers, oil change; - 6000 Hours Service: air/oil filter kit change; - 8000 Hours Service: Preventive maintenance kit GA37VSD, oil change, thermostatic valve change, separator, air/oil change, service valve, clean coolers. GA37 VSD Atlas Copco Compressor 2: - 2000 Hours Service; - 4000 Hours Service; - 6000 Hours Service; - 8000 Hours Service; - Q Block dryer service filter kit, refrigerant gas 404, moisture traps, drain valve service. GA55c Atlas Copco Compressor, Frequency (Per Annum): 4: - 2000 Hours Service: air/oil filter change; - 4000 Hours Service: air/oil filter change, Roto inject fluid 20 litres, clean coolers, oil change; - 6000 Hours Service: air/oil filter change; - 8000 Hours Change: Preventive maintenance kit, oil change, thermostatic valve change, separator, air/oil change, service unloader valves, clean coolers, service minimum pressure valves, service check valves. GA55+FF VSD (Api866777), Frequency (Per Annum): 4: - 2000 Hours Service: air/oil filter change; - 4000 Hours Service: filter change, Roto inject oil 20l; - 6000 Hours Change: filter kit; - 8000 Hours Service: Preventive maintenance kit, oil change, thermostatic valve change, separator, air/oil change, service unloader valves, clean coolers, service minimum pressure valves, service check valves. Plant Room Dryer Service: Filter kit, refrigerant gas 404, moisture traps, drain valve service. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 105849566

Country: South Africa


28 feb

Number: 100419812

Country: South Africa

Source: RFQ