Cargo storage services: Luxembourg tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025

Total: 3
17 oct
Cargo handling and storage services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: Creos Luxembourg S.A.
Source: CREOS Luxembourg S.A.

Number: 92646914

Country: Luxembourg

Source: TED

26 may

Number: 84871404

Country: Luxembourg

Source: TED

18 apr
The scope for the provision of third-party ground handling services in the field of cargo activities at Luxembourg Airport under the licenses to be awarded by the Ministry of Mobility and Public works based on the outcome of this tender, includes the following: a) Services pursuant to section 4 of the Annex according to the council directive 96/67/EC transposed into national law by the Luxembourgish law dated 19th May 1999: • Freight and mail handling as far as the specific carriage of freight and mail between the airport and the aircraft on arrival, departure or transit is concerned. b) Services according to section 5.1 - 5.7 of the Annex according to the council directive 96/67/EC transposed into national law by the Luxembourgish law dated 19th May 1999: • Marshalling the aircraft on the ground at arrival and departure • Assistance to aircraft parking and provision of suitable devices • Communication between the aircraft and the airside supplier of services • The loading and unloading of the aircraft including the provision and operation of suitable means, as well as the transport of crew between the aircraft and the terminal • The provision and operation of appropriate units for engine starting • The moving of the aircraft at arrival and departure, as well as the provision and operation of suitable devices • The transport, loading on to and unloading of from the aircraft of food and beverages c) Services according to section 6.1 – 6.3 of the Annex according to council directive 96/67/EC: • The toilet and water services • The cooling and heating of the cabin, the removal of snow and ice, the de-icing of the aircraft • The rearrangement of the cabin with suitable cabin equipment and the storage of this equipment (LU) add to Favorites
Customer: portail des Marchec publics

Number: 82434769

Country: Luxembourg

Source: portail des Marchec publics