London Borough of Enfield (United Kingdom CSTMR№73327): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: United Kingdom
Contracts: 22
tenders: 157
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 69
12 dec

Number: 115894773

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

22 nov
Enfield Council Tree Maintenance Contract (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 4 850 250 (USD)
Price original: 4 350 000 (GBP)

Deadline: 6 days
Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 114599180

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

30 oct
Contract for the provision of Passive Fire Protection - Fire Stopping Services (Greyline) (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 529 625 (USD)
Price original: 475 000 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 113173202

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

30 oct

Number: 113180964

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

24 oct

Number: 112827139

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

18 oct
Prevention and Early Intervention Services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 15 169 829 (USD)
Price original: 13 605 228 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 112473731

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

29 aug
Stop Smoking Service 2025-29 (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 230 000 (USD)
Price original: 2 000 000 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 110007221

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

28 aug
Contract for the Provision of the Fire Remedial Doors and Installation Remedial Works. (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 529 625 (USD)
Price original: 475 000 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 109935372

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

22 aug
Citrix Licence (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 36 223 (USD)
Price original: 32 487 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 109596732

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

08 aug

Number: 108842254

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

24 jun
Modular PODs Consultancy Services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 394 375 (USD)
Price original: 353 700 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 106423089

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

29 may
Employers Agent and Quantity Surveyors (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 394 375 (USD)
Price original: 353 700 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 105092151

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

10 may
Children's Residential Care Home Service (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 31 042 157 (USD)
Price original: 27 840 500 (GBP)

Customer: London Borough of Enfield

Number: 104201351

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

07 may

Number: 104043495

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

07 may

Number: 104044749

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

and many others... Customers

Number: 73323

Country: Poland

Number: 73325

Country: Hungary

Number: 73326

Country: Poland