Truro City Council (United Kingdom CSTMR№327908): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: United Kingdom

Total: 7
03 oct
Truro City Council HR Support (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 55 750 (USD)
Price original: 50 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 111705854

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

10 sep
Events Consultant (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 33 450 (USD)
Price original: 30 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 110628500

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

27 aug
Boscawen Park Duck Pond Dredging (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 334 500 (USD)
Price original: 300 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 109852026

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

25 jul
Truro WC - Refurbishment of Existing Public WC (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 167 250 (USD)
Price original: 150 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 88021806

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

24 may
Truro WC - Refurbishment of Existing Public WC (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 167 250 (USD)
Price original: 150 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 84731460

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

07 mar
Boscawen Park - Tennis Pavilion car park resurfacing (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 44 600 (USD)
Price original: 40 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 79222167

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

07 nov
Supply and install of Glasshouses for Idless Nursery (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 55 750 (USD)
Price original: 50 000 (GBP)

Customer: Truro City Council

Number: 72959454

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

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