Município de Alcochete (United Kingdom CSTMR№188566): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: United Kingdom
Contracts: 1
tenders: 7
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 14
12 jan

Number: 97701153

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

12 jan

Number: 97701154

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

12 jan

Number: 97701155

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

26 dec

Number: 96895477

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

01 dec
Electricity (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 122 560 (USD)
Price original: 125 000 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Alcochete

Number: 95373441

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

08 nov
Miscellaneous food products (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 709 867 (USD)
Price original: 724 000 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Alcochete

Number: 93846934

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

01 sep
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 228 138 (USD)
Price original: 232 680 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Alcochete

Number: 90242302

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

19 jun
Planting and maintenance services of green areas (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 191 964 (USD)
Price original: 195 786 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Alcochete

Number: 85998727

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

14 feb

Number: 77861638

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

14 feb

Number: 77862762

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

14 feb

Number: 77862763

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

25 nov
Miscellaneous software package and computer systems (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 255 842 (USD)
Price original: 260 936 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Alcochete

Number: 74398347

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

14 nov
Electricity (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 245 120 (USD)
Price original: 250 000 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Alcochete

Number: 73439204

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 188560

Country: Germany

Number: 188562

Country: France

Number: 188563

Country: France

Number: 188564

Country: Czech Republic

Number: 188565

Country: France