on fire doors: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025. Page № 7

Total: 589
02 aug
Trelya Internal Fire Doors Project - 005 (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 27 875 (USD)
Price original: 25 000 (GBP)

Customer: TRELYA

Number: 108487486

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

24 jul
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd invites you to submit a tender to Procure Material; Manufacture, Install Equipment, and the Test of a Mobile Substation for the duration of 2 years. Specifications: Product Conformance: - 12m Convertible mobile container with its steel support stand; - At least 4 x Arc duct exhaust covers to be manufactured and supplied; - All signage for mobile switchgear container to be supplied; - LV cables and its termination accessories (26 terminations each cable type); - 2.5 x 4c = 200m & 2.5mm x 7c = 200m; - 12 x 1.5 florescent/LED high performance lights; - 3 x 20A, 2 x 10A single phase breakers, 63A single phase 2p main switch with earth leakage; - Small power distribution board equipped with main breaker, earth leakage, circuits breakers for (interior lights, external lights, plugs and air conditioners); - Cabling for domestic circuits like lights, plugs and air conditioners in accordance with 240-56227443; - Top entry galvanized steel, wire mesh cable racking for all LV cables in the mobile switchgear container in accordance with 240-56227443; - 4 x weatherproof outdoor lights; - 2 x Air conditioner units 9000 BTU units; - Certificate of compliance for the mobile switchgear container domestic circuits will be required; - 4 x 9kg fire extinguishers to be mounted; - 2 x main doors with emergency exit door catches; - 1 x Double container door for loading/unloading of equipment; - 2 x staircases with handrails; - Kick plates for floor; - Design (Signed off by an accredited ECSA registered professional engineer) and manufacturing of steel support frame of the mobile switchgear container. All design drawings to use the Eskom template in accordance with the Engineering Drawing Standard 240-86973501; - Battery Tripping Unit (BTU) 220V DC with its related test certificates (including a Type Test Certificate) as per the Eskom standard 240-53114248; - Water proofing inside the container (Cladding and ISO wall). (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 107942867

Country: South Africa


18 jul

Number: 107687694

Country: Canada

Source: RFQ

05 jul

Number: 106929211

Country: United States

Source: RFQ