Hotel accommodation services: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025. Page № 5

Total: 334
22 dec
Hotel accommodation services (EN HR) add to Favorites
Contract value: 42 188 793 (USD)
Price original: 43 028 772 (EUR)

Source: Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova

Number: 96731697

Country: Croatia

Source: TED

18 dec
Hotel accommodation services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: métropole Nice Côte d"azur
Source: Métropole Nice Côte d"Azur

Number: 96439798

Country: France

Source: TED

13 dec
Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Metro FM Music Awards 2024 Event Management (Production & Logistics). Scope: The scope of services for the Events Logistics & Production Management shall include without limitation the following: - Development of the Metro FM Music Awards 2024. Guest Experience under the MMA Theme to be developed by creative agency. - Securing and hiring of venue, which shall include parking arrangements Prior to making venue bookings, the Supplier shall obtain SABC’s prior written approval as well as power back-up contingency. - Securing of pitch protector (7 days rental) and pitch rehabilitation for the stadium. - Venue set-up, décor & catering at the venue for all invited guests. - Sourcing and management of plus/minus 400 goodie-bags for MMA – companies to propose contents in line with the event and provide options. The Supplier shall obtain SABC’s prior written approval on the contents of the goodie-bag. - Attend to the invitation of guests to be invited by Metro FM, RSVP’s and the registration process of guests (Clear demonstration of a Guest Management System). - Appoint and manage the catering crew during the event as well as the after party. - Booking of transport, flights for plus minus 1200 guests (including talent and crew) that need to be transported to the province. - Booking of accommodation for plus minus 1200 guests (including talent and crew) that need to be accommodated. - Ensuring that the guests have been supplied with their travel details and accommodation two weeks prior their departure date. - Provide transportation for the guests from the airport to the hotel (when required), to the venue and back to the hotel. - Attend to the transportation and accommodation of the working crew. - Provide transportation for the guests from the hotel back to the airport. - Be responsible for researching of the Outside Broadcasts spots at the venue. - Be responsible for organizing the after awards party including venue, décor, open bar and catering (not limited to). - Budget monitoring and final reporting which shall include securing and finalization of quotations and budget recon. - Development of the Metro FM Music Awards 2024 production concept. - Overseeing the smooth running and co-ordination of the Awards ceremony. - Attendance to the technical production in tandem with the TV Production Crew from Video Entertainment with respect to the awards in the form of: • Set and stage design, including hiring and setting up thereof; • Demonstrate the ability to utilize modern stage technology and innovative production ideas that will deliver a first class event; • Lighting & pyrotechnics design, including hiring setting up and obtaining required compliance certificates thereof; • Sound hire and set up; • Audio Visual (AV) hire and set up. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 96148052

Country: South Africa


12 dec
Hotel accommodation services (EN EL) add to Favorites
Contract value: 105 029 (USD)
Price original: 107 120 (EUR)

Source: Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου Θεσσαλονίκης

Number: 96076522

Country: Greece

Source: TED

08 dec
Hotel accommodation services (EN BG) add to Favorites
Contract value: 400 763 (USD)
Price original: 800 000 (BGN)


Number: 95865723

Country: Bulgaria

Source: TED

02 dec
Lease of Hotel Accommodation with Catering Services (UK) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 323 (USD)
Price original: 137 000 (PHP)

28 nov

Number: 95097083

Country: France

Source: TED

24 nov

Number: 94894911

Country: Albania

Source: United Nations

20 nov
Hotel accommodation services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: centre hospitalier de cayenne
Source: Centre hospitalier de Cayenne

Number: 94561761

Country: France

Source: TED

20 nov
Hotel accommodation services (EN FR) add to Favorites
Customer: centre hospitalier de cayenne
Source: Centre hospitalier de Cayenne

Number: 94561762

Country: France

Source: TED

07 nov

Number: 93780448

Country: Spain

Source: TED

06 nov
Hotel accommodation services (EN BG) add to Favorites
Contract value: 150 286 (USD)
Price original: 300 000 (BGN)

Source: Българска телеграфна агенция

Number: 93742657

Country: Bulgaria

Source: TED

01 nov

Number: 93485696

Country: Albania

Source: United Nations