Fresh vegetables: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2024. Page № 3

Total: 599
08 oct

Number: 111881464

Country: France

Source: RFQ

07 oct

Number: 111873614

Country: United Kingdom

Source: RFQ

04 oct
83_25 Supply of Ambient, Chilled, Frozen Foods and Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Salads (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 445 999 993 (USD)
Price original: 400 000 000 (GBP)

Customer: Espo
Source: ESPO

Number: 111771508

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

30 sep

Number: 111523793

Country: India

Source: RFQ

22 sep

Number: 111177760

Country: Indonesia

Source: RFQ