Electrical services: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025. Page № 12

Total: 4596
08 nov
Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the maintenance of electrical network at Ekandustria and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks for a period of three (3) years. Scope of work: The scope of work entails the maintenance of the electrical network feeding into buildings at the industrial sites (Ekundustria, Siyabuswa) and can be broken down as follows: 1. Operations & Management (O & M) recovery plan for Ekandustria and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks. The O & M recovery plan can be for the short to medium term as well as for the long term. It should be based on hands-on investigations and assessments of the current electrical infrastructure as well as conducting interviews with the Local MEGA officials. Interviews can serve as a source of information for historical trends in electrical breakdowns. The aim of the O & M plan is to create a systematic course of action and priority matrix which then can be used for implementation. 2. A predictive or preventative maintenance strategy and plan should be formulated by the Service Provider. Currently there is no maintenance plan implemented and a reactive strategy is often adopted. 3 Where applicable, work with the Facilities Manager to identify critical electrical projects that can be implemented for the area of Ekandustria and Siyabuswa. A project priority matrix to this effect can also be formulated by the Service Provider. 4. Maintenance services to the electrical network including attendance to electrical and associated emergencies at Ekandustria, and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks. 5. Provide advisory services on all electrical network development needs. 6. Generate monthly reports on the state and performance of the electrical network at the identified sites (i.e. Ekandustria and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks). (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 113722102

Country: South Africa


07 nov

Number: 113657252

Country: Canada

Source: www.merx.com

05 nov
Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a contractor for the design, construction and commissioning of the prayer facilities and staff rest area at King Shaka International Airport. Scope of Work: Works deliverables include but not limited to: New Islamic faith prayer facilities: a. Islamic faith prayer facilities: approximate extent, 100 sqm under roof; b. Multidenominational prayer facilities: approximate extent 75 sqm under roof; c. Male and female sections wash areas; d. Sandals and shoe rack; e. Trolley parking area; f. Bulk HVAC, Fire detection and suppression system; g. Bulk Electrical supply; h. Bulk electronic supply ACSA electronic standards: i. Flight information display feed; ii. Wi-fi network access; i. Male, female and disabled ablutions; j. Exclude all internal furnishing; 2. New multidenominational faith prayer facilities: a. Multidenominational prayer facilities: approximate extent 75 sqm under roof; b. Trolley parking area; c. Bulk HVAC, Fire detection and suppression system; d. Bulk Electrical supply; e. Bulk electronic supply ACSA electronic standards: i. Flight information display feed and monitor; ii. Wi-fi network access; f. Male, female and disabled ablutions; g. Supply all basic furnishings as shall be prescribed; 3. Establish new staff rest area: approximately 200 sqm: a. Bulk HVAC, Fire detection and suppression system; b. Bulk Electrical supply; c. Bulk electronic supply ACSA electronic standards: i. Flight information display feed and monitor; ii. General purpose TV monitor; iii. Wi-fi network access; d. Male, female and disabled ablutions; e. Supply all basic furnishings as shall be prescribed; 4. Design the works and get them approved internally and externally; 5. Services investigations; 6. Cost the works and get the cost approved; 7. Submit safety plan file, comply with required training, obtain works and personnel permits; 8. Establish site camp and procure materials; 9. Submit construction program for approval and the estimated cash flow; 10. Commence construction and maintain program milestones, revised as per the provisions of contract; 11. Close out the works. Contractor shall make themselves familiar and comply with the closure requirements, especially on issuing CAD drawings and Data; 12. Commission and hand over in accordance with ACSA maintenance and engineering’s department. Key personnel required: 1. Mechanical Engineer; 2. Electrical Engineer; 3. Structural Engineer; 4. Civil Engineer; 5. Quantity Surveyor; 6. Construction Manager; 7. Construction Health and Safety Agent. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 113475510

Country: South Africa


03 nov
Proposals are hereby invited for consulting services to assist with assessment report, drawing of plans and compilation of bill of quantities of GI-Microbiology Laboratory Structure. Scope: Key aspects of the inspection will include evaluating the installation of new fume hoods and specialized cabinets for hazardous reagents, assessing the dismantling of small rooms and other rooms to accommodate new offices and biobank equipment, and examining the current state of outdated wiring and plumbing systems. Also the scope of work will include feasibility of replacing brick was with glass forest walls partitioning, electrical, office glass forest walls partitioning, amendment ceilings in order to accommodate LED lights, striping of old laboratories benches to replace them with benches containing (Adjustable wall bands to hold shelves alternatively recommending a suspend cupboard from the ceiling with doors to make it neater; Suspended beams from the ceiling +- 100 x 150mm services mounted to benches; 16mm/32mm melamine or hygiene board shelf with 2mm PVC edging; Double power skirting 20mm chemical resistant laboratory grade work tops width 1500mm 20mm chemical resistant laboratory grade work tops; Island bench frames made from 1.6mm thick 32/32 square tubing which is epoxy powder coated; 1440mm(D) x 84mm(H) 5D1 mobile cupboard made from 16mm melamine or hygiene board 1 draw/ 1 door/1 shelf), stripping the old tile floor to replace it with Linoleum Flooring, removal of old fume hoods, removal of old fans on the walls, removal of old GLP pipes and feasibility of installing new ones. The inspection will also involve assessing the installation of 4.5 metre (4.5 m) high Biobank equipment in one of the room created. Again, the inspection will also involve determining the load-bearing capacity of the building, particularly in areas where heavy new equipment will be installed. Additionally, the inspection will assess the integrity of both the ground floor and the first level, considering the potential impact of shutting down Level 1 during renovations. The service provider will also need to evaluate the risks associated with keeping parts of the laboratory operational while renovations are underway and provide expert recommendations on how to mitigate any unanticipated variables that may arise. The selected service provider will conduct a series of specialized tests, including a drone survey of the building"s exterior, scanning tomography to detect internal structural defects, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) testing to assess the quality of the concrete, electrochemical potential measurements to evaluate corrosion risks, resistivity measurements to determine the concrete"s durability, and a petrographic examination of the concrete to analyze its composition and identify potential issues. The final report must comply with SANS 10400 standards and include a detailed visual inspection that addresses the current state of the building, any identified defects, and the level of deterioration. The report should also include a risk analysis using a 5/5 risk matrix, prioritize repairs based on the visual inspection, and identify high-risk elements that would require attention during any refurbishment efforts. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 113442328

Country: South Africa


02 nov
Customer: eProcurement System Government of Tamil Nadu

Number: 113402170

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India