By security alarm: tenders, rfq bids, opportunities and procurement 2025. Page № 17

Total: 3007
31 oct
Tender for Installation and maintenance of Security Alarm System (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: Central public Procurement portal India

Number: 113233735

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

29 oct
Empanelment of CCTV Fire Security Alarm Fire extinguisher Vendors (EN) add to Favorites
Customer: Central public Procurement portal India

Number: 113083471

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

28 oct

Number: 113004125

Country: Bangladesh

Source: RFQ

27 oct

Number: 112999504

Country: United States

Source: RFQ

25 oct

Number: 112899925

Country: Canada

Source: RFQ

25 oct
Quotations are hereby requested to appoint a Service Provider (SP) for the installation of alarms and render armed response at the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour for a period of (12) months. Scope of works: The scope work includes installation of intruder detection alarm systems, maintenance thereof and provision of an armed response in the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour to secure the tangible and intangible assets of the client: 1. Provision of a 24-hour (24) hour armed response service at the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour, seven (7) days per week including weekends and public holidays, 2. Rendering a security service with duties as authorised officers in terms of the Control of Access to Public Premises and Vehicle Act, 53 of 1985, 3. Respond to intruder alarm system in order to Protect Assets, Resources and Prevent crime from occurring on premises, 4. Recording of incidents or events in an Occurrence Register, Electronically and Report such incident or events to the client personnel responsible for Security Management, 5. Enforcing of the the client"s Security Policy, 6. Ensure compliance with the Department of Labour Bargaining Council Rates, 7. The appointed service provider will adhere to the provisions related to salaries wages and remuneration as envisaged in the provided in the bargaining counsel and the requirements as stipulated in the Labour Relations Act for a 1 x 12-hour shift as per the requirements per district or location. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. (EN) add to Favorites

Number: 112906435

Country: South Africa