Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol (Ferrol, Spain CSTMR№1023415): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +34 981334514
Country: Spain
Town: Ferrol
Address: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol
Avenida de la Residencia s/n
Persona de contacto: 15405
Teléfono: +34 981334514
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Fax: +34 981334551
Direcciones de internet:
Dirección principal:

Total: 12
19 jan

Number: 98069927

Country: Spain

Source: TED

02 jan
Endoscopy, endosurgery devices (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 549 321 (USD)
Price original: 560 258 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 97271832

Country: Spain

Source: TED

29 dec
Building-cleaning services (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 22 695 983 (USD)
Price original: 23 147 860 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 97126874

Country: Spain

Source: TED

19 dec

Number: 96517006

Country: Spain

Source: TED

08 dec

Number: 95865637

Country: Spain

Source: TED

01 dec
Medical needles (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 795 650 (USD)
Price original: 2 851 311 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 95373642

Country: Spain

Source: TED

24 oct
Laboratory reagents (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 442 137 (USD)
Price original: 1 470 850 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 93032541

Country: Spain

Source: TED

07 aug
Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 11 121 051 (USD)
Price original: 11 342 471 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 88736011

Country: Spain

Source: TED

02 jun
Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 394 460 (USD)
Price original: 402 314 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 85292706

Country: Spain

Source: TED

03 mar
Energy-management services (EN ES) add to Favorites
Contract value: 5 711 926 (USD)
Price original: 5 825 650 (EUR)

Customer: Servizo Galego de Saude. Área Sanitaria de Ferrol

Number: 78941528

Country: Spain

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 1023409

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 1023410

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 1023411

Country: France

Source: TED