Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Once-off grass cutting and cleaning of Bathandwa Ndondo Office Park (Old Komani Office Park), Whittlesea One Stop Centre erf 169 & 170 and Whittlesea Depot. Specifications: The successful tenderer will be doing removal of trees, grass, bush clearing; unwanted plants and undesired vegetation shall be removed by suitable equipment such as brush cutters and machinery for that specific area. The areas of the sites are as follows: 1. Bathandwa Ndondo Office Park (Old Komani Office Park) – 41 481m²; 2. Whittlesea Erf 169-170 – 32 573m²; 3. Whittlesea Depot – 12 960m². Please confirm the contract number. (Tender №95048922)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 95048922
Publication date: 28-11-2023


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