Eskom Holding Soc Ltd invites tenders for the provision of transportation services at Hendrina Power Station for the following routes: • Eskom Hendnna Power station employees (both day and night shift workers) from Kwa-Zamokuhle via Hendnna and Pullenshope to Pullenshope for a period of 36 months; • Learners in the Pullenshope community to their respective schools and learning institutions in Middleburg, Mhluzi, Hendnna and Kwa-Zamokuhle over a period of 36 months; • Eskom Hendnna Power station employees (both day and night shift workers) from Middleburg to Pullenshope over a period of 36 months; • Eskom Hendnna Power station employees (both day and night shift workers) from various areas in Witbank areas in Witbank for period of 36 months. (Tender №93851025)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 93851025
Publication date: 08-11-2023


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