Re-Advertisement: Amendment to closing date. Bids are hereby invited to tender for the Construction of Corner House Ring Road in Gamalakhe Ward 27 within Ray Nkonyeni Municipality as specified in the under-mentioned bid document. Scope: The scope of Works will include the following; i) Clearing and Grubbing of the existing area; ii) Removal of the existing road crossings and deteriorated concrete channels; iii) Realignment of fences that are encroaching the road servitude; iv) Construction of a 5m wide tarred road of 1.4km and 6No. intersections of 10m; v) Installation of stormwater pipes and manholes; vi) Construction of new 600/900Dia. road crossings and inlet and outlet drainage structures; vii) Construction of new road layer works (G5 Sub-Base and G2 Base); viii) Kerb and Channel; ix) Asphalting; x) Limited interlocking pavers at road start. (Tender №93573885)