Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of desktops. Specifications: • Lenovo ThinkCentre M75s Gen 2 AMD CZ NON-ESR Part number: 11R9S0NK00 x 11 units; • Samsung LS24A310NH Screens 24” x 14 units; • HDMI cables x 14 units. (Tender №93080979)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 93080979
Publication date: 25-10-2023


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Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of cleaning material. Specifications: 1. 5L sweet cherry x 50 each; 2. Refuse bags (black) x 20 (76 x 90cm) 25mic x 400 each; 3. Refuse bags (clear) x 20 (76 x 90cm) 25mic x 200 each; 4. Plastic bag (550 x 600) office bin bags x 400 each; 5. 5L Windolene x 30 each; 6. Pine gel 5kg x 25 each; 7. Scotch brite sponges (4 in a pack) x 100 each; 8. 10L Plastic bucket triangular (black) x 15 each; 9. 10L Plastic office bin black square shape black x 15 each; 10. Mr Min 250ml x 100 each; 11. Rubber household gloves x 100 each; 12. Plunger x 5 each; 13. Microfibre mop x 5 each; 14. 3m extendable window squeegee x 10 each. Source: ONLINE TENDERS