Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Land survey in Matjiesfontein. SANSA requires the services of a service provider to perform a land survey, setting out and monitoring of the contractors for the clearing and creation of a 3.3km x 4 meter wide gravel road as well as a 4km x 6 meter wide boundary clearing (for fence) at the new SANSA Matjiesfontein site. Place where goods, works or services are required: SANSA Matjiesfontein Site Lord Milner Hotel, Matjiesfontein Avenue, Western Cape - Matjiesfontein - Western Cape - 0000. (Tender №92917478)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 92917478
Publication date: 21-10-2023


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Procedura di gara 2023/072 - COMUNE DI EBOLI - Servizio di ricovero, mantenimento e custodia dei cani randagi raccolti sull"intero territorio comunale - CIG : A00F73A561 Source: Comune di Bellizzi

Полагањем венаца и уручењем октобарских награда, Бачка Паланка обележила Дан општине и Дан ослобођења Source: opština Bačka Palanka

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of consumables. Specifications: 1. Non-sterile latex hand gloves (non-powdered) box of 100 medium x 100 small and 100 medium; 2. Shoulder length plastic examination rectal gloves, box of 100; 3. F10 odour eliminator 5L x 2. Delivery address: No. 1, Nelson Mandela Drive, Port Shepstone. Please note that this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Formal written price quotations are invited for the following: Carnegie Hall – Plumbing, electrical and related works. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repairs and replacement of D10 gate motors at ARC Infruitec, Northern Campus and Nietvoorbij. Specifications: 1. Replacement of PC motherboards D10 similar Centurion x 1; 2. Repair / replace D5 gate motor main entrance at Nietvoorbij x 1; 3. Gate motor to be programmed and serviced at Helderfontein main entrance x 1. Place where goods, works or services are required: Agricultural Research Council Nietvoorbij, R 44 Klapmuts Road - Cloetesville - Stellenbosch - 7160. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of electrical services within the Prince Albert Municipal Area. Scope of works: Successful bidders will be required to undertake the following tasks but not limited to such: electricity: a) Compile cost estimate and quotations for new electrical supply connections and meter installations; b) Will be expected to carry out excavations and laying of cable; c) Install new pre-paid and credit meters; d) New electrical supply connections; e) Changing of meter capacity (single & three phase). Mechanical and electrical service: a) Mechanical & electrical maintenance work as requested; b) Service of pumps and pump stations; c) Installation of new water and sewer pumps as per maintenance schedule; d) Installation of borehole control boxes and gear; e) Monitoring pump performance; f) Maintenance and replacement of various valves; g) Trimming of tree branches between overhead power supply lines; h) Carting away and disposal of tree branches at a suitable disposal facility. Source: ONLINE TENDERS