Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Contractor to replace rotten 9m poles and remove an old ABC bundle conductor as per specifications. Scope: Replace rotten 9m poles and remove an old ABC bundle conductor in Brackenham: • Contractor is required to replace 200 x 9m poles in Brackenham; • Excavation must be done according to the correct standard; • All cables to be neatly reconnected and strapped to the pole; • Replace all pole boxes that are not in good condition; • Material will be provided by the council; • Replace all streetlights and/or connections from removed poles; • Contractor required to collect material from Alton workshops and Alton stores e.g. poles, pole; • Contractor to prepare and pre-assemble the structures and deliver to site a before; • Contractor to make sure all tools are safe to use and in a good working condition; • Contractor to make sure that all cables are earthed and bonded to the earth spikes; • Renew all jumpers, IPC’s, connections and replace breakers which are not in good condition; • Prepare for the job to be completed in one day; • Contractor to provide own consumables e.g. cleaning material, cloth, screws, ferrules; • All cables to be neatly reconnected and strapped to the pole; • Deliver all old materials back to Alton stores. (Tender №92732965)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 92732965
Publication date: 18-10-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of ICT accessories. Specifications: - 50 x Dell/equivalent wireless mouse; - 30 x Microsoft/equivalent Bluetooth mouse; - 20 x E5 90W USB-C AC Adapter SAF with 1m Power Supply Cord 450-AGRS, Service Tag: 1W83NL3; - 2 x External DVD reader; - 2 x Laptop USB 3.0 external Hard drive reader enclosure; - 10 x SanDisk/equivalent 128 GB USB; - 5 x 20 pack AA 2500 mAh batteries rechargeable; - 20 x Pack of 10 Quotation file; - 10 x A4 Typex paper Box; - 10 x Casio 12mm black on white tape KL-740; - 20 x AA 2500 mAh batteries rechargeable; - 6 x Desk stick pen; - 5 x Laser Presentation Remote; - 2 x SSD card reader (Enclosure); - 5 x Double sided tape, 36mm x 33m; - 3 x USB and BT Speakerphone; - 5 x Type C Ethernet Extension Adapter; - 5 x 10 Way surge multi-plug. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: - 5 each x chainsaw safety trouser (large); - 5 each x chainsaw safety trouser xl. Supply chainsaw pants (large) x 5 - must have B20 + main requirements: The following is a brief description of the main requirements that the trousers must comply with: - Protective coverage: Protective coverage is the area that is covered with protective material. Although 3 designs exist in the standard that was adopted for South Africa, the Ergonomics Working Group felt that design B will be the minimum requirement for South Africa and this was accepted as such; - Front: The specified protective area fully covers the front of the garment from 50mm above the end of the legs to 200mm above the crotch. It is allowed to leave out protective material at the fly. Between the crotch and fly a break of 30mm is allowed, but it is recommended to keep this break as small as possible; - Rear, left leg: The specified protective area covers on the inner side of the leg a 50mm wide strip from 50mm from the bottom to 50mm below the crotch. On the outer side of the leg it covers a 50mm wide strip extending from 50mm above the lower end of the leg to 200mm below the crotch and then tapering to zero at a height of 200mm above the crotch; - Rear, right leg: The specified protective area covers on the inner side of the leg a 50mm wide strip from 50mm from the bottom to 50mm below the crotch. It is allowed to extend the protective coverage, under the condition that the protection level is at least the same as in the specified protective area. There shall be no joins in the protective material within the specified protective area; - Dimensions in millimetres: 1=Level of crotch protective area, design B: Dimensional change: After pre-treatment (washing, drying, dry-cleaning) the dimensional change (shrinkage/stretch) shall be less than 6%; - Resistance to saw chain cutting: Although provision is made in the standard for 3 different chain speeds at which no cut through is permitted, the Ergonomics Working Group decided that 20 metres/second (class 1) would suffice for South Africa (This is also the speed at which most trousers are certified internationally). Note that the number of protective material layers is not prescribed in the standard, as this is irrelevant so long as the trousers pass this test; - Attachment of protective material: The protective material shall be permanently attached to the garment with the attachment able to resist a force of at least 200N when tested; - Marking: In order to identify trousers that comply with the standard, the standard makes provision for how the trousers must be marked. This will ensure that all buyers can easily identify these trousers. If the trousers are not marked in the appropriate way they don"t comply with the standard. The following pictogram must be placed at any visible place on the trousers: 20m/s Class 1. Supply chainsaw safety trouser (xlarge) x 5 - must be B20 + main requirements: - The following is a brief description of the main requirements that the trousers must comply with: - Protective coverage: Protective coverage is the area that is covered with protective material. Although 3 designs exist in the standard that was adopted for South Africa, the Ergonomics Working Group felt that design B will be the minimum requirement for South Africa and this was accepted as such; - Front: The specified protective area fully covers the front of the garment from 50mm above the end of the legs to 200mm above the crotch. It is allowed to leave out protective material at the fly. Between the crotch and fly a break of 30mm is allowed, but it is recommended to keep this break as small as possible; - Rear, left leg: The specified protective area covers on the inner side of the leg a 50mm wide strip from 50mm from the bottom to 50mm below the crotch. On the outer side of the leg it covers a 50mm wide strip extending from 50mm above the lower end of the leg to 200mm below the crotch and then tapering to zero at a height of 200mm above the crotch; - Rear, right leg: The specified protective area covers on the inner side of the leg a 50mm wide strip from 50mm from the bottom to 50mm below the crotch. It is allowed to extend the protective coverage, under the condition that the protection level is at least the same as in the specified protective area. There shall be no joins in the protective material within the specified protective area; - Dimensions in millimetres 1=Level of crotch protective area, design B; - Dimensional change: After pre-treatment (washing, drying, dry-cleaning) the dimensional change (shrinkage/stretch) shall be less than 6%; - Resistance to saw chain cutting: Although provision is made in the standard for 3 different chain speeds at which no cut through is permitted, the Ergonomics Working Group decided that 20metres/second (class 1) would suffice for South Africa (This is also the speed at which most trousers are certified internationally). Note that the number of protective material layers is not prescribed in the standard, as this is irrelevant so long as the trousers pass this test; Attachment of protective material: The protective material shall be permanently attached to the garment with the attachment able to resist a force of at least 200N when tested; - Marking: In order to identify trousers that comply with the standard, the standard makes provision for how the trousers must be marked. This will ensure that all buyers can easily identify these trousers. If the trousers are not marked in the appropriate way they don"t comply with the standard. The following pictogram must be placed at any visible place on the trousers: 20m/s Class 1. Delivery date: 2024/06/30. Delivery to: Dwayne Booysen Steenbras, WTP Off Faure Marine Drive, Gordons Bay. Delivery address: 1 Off Faure Marine Drive Gordon Bay. Please note that this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Remove existing, supply and install 3 x Air Conditioners at St Barnabus Laboratory. Specifications: - Remove existing air conditioners, make good and cart away; - Supply and install 18 000 BTU Midwall split, heating and cooling air conditioner, must be inverter type using R410A refrigerant, install as per specification, air con type must be: LG, Carrier, York, Samsung, or Daiken or similar; - Re-connect to existing power supply. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to documents and extension of closing date: Term Tenders are hereby invited for the rehabilitation of bulk sewer lines (500 mm diameter and above) City Wide by method of CIPP lining. Framework Contract Period: 36 Months from Commencement Date. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of occupational hygiene surveys at Transnet Pipelines, Various Locations. Scope of work: The following surveys are to be conducted within each of the above facilities where applicable: • Occupational Health Risk Assessments and Hazardous Chemical Substances Risk Assessments: As per the various Regulations framed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993. • Hazardous Chemical Substances Monitoring: Dusts, Fumes, Gases, Mists, Vapours etc. as per the: i) Regulation 5 of the Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Substances R1179) ii) General Safety Regulations, Regulation 5; iii) Environmental Regulations for Workplaces. • Noise Evaluation Surveys: As per the Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Regulations, 2003 and TPL’s Hearing Conservation Management Plan. • Environmental Noise Evaluation Surveys; • Lighting Evaluation Surveys: Day / Night and Specialised Lighting as per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, Regulation 3 (Lighting). • Emergency Lighting (Where applicable); • Ventilation Evaluation Surveys: As per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, Regulation 5 (Ventilation). • Thermal Stress Evaluation Surveys: Heat Stress, Cold Stress, Ventilation and as per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces, Regulation 2 (Thermal Requirements). • Hazardous Biological Agents: - As per the Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, 2001 and amendments. - Compliance to COVID-19 protocols as per South African regulations at the time of surveillance and as amended. • Health Facilities Surveys: Kitchens, Canteens, Change Rooms etc., as required by the Facilities Regulations. • Ergonomics Risk Assessment and Survey of Implementation: As per the Ergonomics Regulations (2019) as set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993) as amended. • Vibration Assessment: As per SANS 2631-1:1997 - Mechanical vibration and shock — Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration or other applicable legislation / standard.(Select scenario per facility). • Thermographic Survey – If your company does undertake these surveys, please include a price per facility. • Asbestos Survey – to be carried out as per the Asbestos Regulations for all sites. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: V0465 - Carry out COF repairs as per specifications. Scope: 1. Service the vehicle and attend to oil leaks; 2. Replace exhaust system; 3. Repair window winders; 4. Repair all lights and secure all lenses; 5. Overhaul brakes and commission. Source: ONLINE TENDERS