Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the provision of performance management system for a period of three years. Scope of work: • To develop a custom-made integrated Performance Management System for ECPTA based on the existing Excel workbooks for Extended MANCO and Executives; • To facilitate alignment of the approved Performance Management Policy, Performance Bonus Model and Performance Information Management Standard Operating Procedure; • To facilitate clear line of sight between strategy, key performance areas, and action plans; • To allow for detailed “drill-downs” that enable meaningful performance review and decision making; • To provide a platform that enables ECPTA management to prepare and conclude their annual performance contracts, based on given key performance areas and indicators; • To embed an Individual Development Plan linked to the contracting period; • To automate the process of calculating Executives and Managers scores based on determined scorecard weights and agreement targets; • To enable employees (Management) to conduct self-evaluations twice a year; • To enable their Executive Director to conduct the self-evaluations and finalise the evaluation scores; • To allow for the acceptance or rejection of evaluation score by the employee as per the Performance Management Policy, and, in the case of disputes, to escalate the evaluation to the next level; • To allow Managers to conduct comparison of subordinates’ performance; • To enable the Human Resources Management unit to draw organisation-level reports, analyse data and provide a statistical view of individual, departmental, unit and organisational performance; • To send reminders and notifications through the system to all users of their respective deadlines; • To develop a system that maintains appropriate internal controls and reporting systems in order to meet performance expectations; • The system should be compliant to Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act. (Tender №91413531)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 91413531
Publication date: 29-09-2023


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