Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the drilling and commissioning of boreholes in the Kruger National Park for a period of 12 months on as and when required basis. Scope: From the chosen location, drill the borehole, commission the borehole, perform full SANS 241-2015 analysis of the water sample from SANAS Accredited Laboratory, perform yield test, provide report and coordinates of the Borehole. a) Drill the Borehole up to 100m; b) Install the pump specified; c) Steel Cast the Borehole for at least 24M; d) Secure the borehole /Casting pipe with at least L=500x B=500mm x D=300mm and 300mm outside the hole of Concrete Slab to further prevent Flooding; e) SANParks will provide electrician for the connection of the pump and provide accommodation as and when required. (Tender №91379210)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 91379210
Publication date: 28-09-2023


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of flags. Specifications: 1. South African Flags x 20; 2. Ugu Flags x 20. Material should be 100% woven polyester bunting and strike through, meaning it should be printed on both sides and stitched. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider in property management or owns commercial properties for leasing in the Nelspruit Central Business District and surrounding suburbs, for a period of (24) twenty-four months. The leased floor space size (not the total size of the property) must be within a range of 120-150m². The preferred premises should be easily accessible by public transport (taxis, buses) as well as to people with disabilities. The CSOS requires occupation of the office space facility from 1 November 2023 or as soon as practicable thereafter but not later than the 30th of November 2023. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from authorised service providers for the supply, delivery and installation of 6 x borehole pumps and motors. Specifications: 1. Borehole 1, Size: 4.0 KW, 124m, 2. Borehole 2, Size: 7.5KW, 53m, 3. Borehole 3, Size: 7.5KW, 85m, 4. Borehole 7, Size: 7.5KW, 70m, 5. Borehole 18, Size: 4.0KW, 93m, 6. Borehole 68, Size: 4.0KW, 66m. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

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