Quotations are hereby requested from service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of office stationery. Specifications: - 100 Page (Section 56) Summons Book (Quad Duplicate). Quantity: 100, - PVC File. Quantity: 200, - File Fastener (Box of 50). Quantity: 100, - File Divider (1 - 12). Quantity: 100, - A4 Paper Box. Quantity: 50, - Tippex 8ml. Quantity: 20, - Staples 26/6 (Box of 5000). Quantity: 10, - Sharpener Dual. Quantity: 10, - Pencil (Box of 12). Quantity: 10, - Manilla Folders 9266 100"s. Quantity: 20, - Board Files. Quantity: 100. (Tender №90777579)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 90777579
Publication date: 11-09-2023


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