Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Manufacture, supply of various Mini Subs within the LimLanga Cluster for 5 years on an “as and when” required basis. Scope: 1. Mini Substation; Rated: 315kva; Nominal Voltage: 11kv/420v; Tap Switch: +/- 5%; Type B; 2. Mini Substation; Rated: 500kva; Nominal Voltage: 11kv/420v; Tap Switch: +/- 5%, Type B; 3. Mini Substation; Rated: 1000kva; Nominal Voltage: 11kv/420v; Tap Switch: +/- 5%; Type B; 4. Mini Substation; Rated: 1000kva; Nominal Voltage: 11kv/420v; Tap Switch: +/- 5%; Type A 5. Switchgear: Potential: 3.3 Kv; Current: 630 A; Interrupting Capacity: 20 Ka. (Tender №86905338)