Bidders are hereby invited to submit bids for the following: Customer satisfaction survey for the National Consumer Commission. The scope of work of the study should cover the following: • Undertake a literature review of best practices in service delivery to the customers within the consumer protection environment both nationally and internationally. The literature review should also encompass best practices of service delivery to customers in the public sector; • Focus groups with customers in four provinces which receive the most complaints (Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Western and Eastern Cape). • In depth interviews with key informants (NCC, provincial consumer courts, media and other regulators etc) amongst relevant stakeholders in the consumer protection ecosystem; • A nationally representative customer satisfaction survey disaggregated according to sector province, district, and demographics (race, gender, educational level). The urban-rural dimension needs to be factored in for the demographics. Develop a composite customer satisfaction measure/index to determine the current overall satisfaction levels using a Likert scale (either 4 or 5 point). The service provider can recommend areas of satisfaction but the following minimum areas should be included: • Awareness of the agencies/institutions in the consumer protection landscape; • Awareness of the products and services offered by institutions in the consumer protection landscape; • Determining the quality-of-service delivery provided by the NCC as perceived by the customers; • Identify and evaluate the channels used by customers to interface with the NCC; • Propose new channels of customer interface; • Compare the results from the previous survey; • Propose measures to improve service delivery. Address: National Consumer Commission, SABS Campus, Building C, 1 Dr. Lategan Road Groenkloof, Pretoria. (Tender №78496659)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 78496659
Publication date: 23-02-2023


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