Proposals are hereby inivted for the following: Procurement of sage evolution system support and maintenance services including enhancements. Scope: The C-BRTA hereby wishes to invite potential bidders to submit proposals for the support, maintenance, and enhancement, of the C-BRTA Sage Evolution system with the scope of work to include the following: - Application support and maintenance for a period of 36 months - Provision for system enhancements (500 hours on time and material basis for duration of the contract). System enhancement is regarded as any system change requests exceeding 40 hours, any requests less than 41 hours to be regarded as standard application maintenance and support). Bidders to provide pricing as well as rate per hour as part of the proposal. (Tender №78252811)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 78252811
Publication date: 20-02-2023


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