Tenders are hereby invited for a panel of contractors for infrastructure projects within the municipality for a period of 24 months. Scope: - Civil Engineering; - Electrical Engineering; - Mechanical Engineering. (Tender №116512147)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 116512147
Publication date: 23-12-2024


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Erratum: Amendment to tender documents: Quotations are hereby invited for the upgrade of Cisco internal network equipment and services for the Eastern Cape Office of The Premier for a period of 36 months, with a 5-year warranty and Smartnet 8x5xNBD support. Scope of work: The scope of this project encompasses the following: (a) Procurement of ICT network equipment to replace the existing old equipment at the EC Office of The Premier: - Migration of existing configurations to new equipment or configuration of new equipment, whichever is applicable. (b) Procure Cisco switches (1 x 24-port POE L2 switch): - Supply and install network switch. - Labelling of switch. - Provide design and related configuration documentation. - Configure, commission, and decommission network switch infrastructure. - Testing. (c) Procure Cisco wireless controllers and access points to meet current standard of ICT infrastructure at EC Office of The Premier: - Supply and install POE access points. - Supply and install wireless controllers. - Provide spectrum analysis (heat maps). - Configure network Wi-Fi infrastructure. - Labelling of access points. - Mounting of access points. - Testing. (d) Procure network modules to meet current standard of ICT infrastructure at EC Office of The Premier. (e) Provide additional Cisco Smartnet 8x5xNBD warranty for 5 years. (f) Bi-annual proactive maintenance: - Bi-annual remote equipment inspection and status report with recommendations. (g) Software and firmware version updates and security recommendations. Source: ONLINE TENDERS