Bids are hereby invited for the supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and maintenance of general and specialised radiography imaging equipment at various Gauteng Institutions for a period of three years. Specifications: 1. Multi slot CR reader; 2. C-arm fluoroscopy screening unit with Flat Panel Detector (FPD); 3. Remote control table fluoroscopy screening unit with Flat Panel Detector (FPD); 4. Digital flat panel; 5. Panelipse/panorex; 6. CT scanner 64 slice; 7. CT scanner 128 slice; 8. CT scanner 256 slice; 9. MRI 3T; 10. MRI 1,5T. (Tender №114146490)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 114146490
Publication date: 15-11-2024


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