Bids are hereby invited to Conduct Forensic Investigation of 35 Identified Irregular Expenditure Cases in the SCM Environment. The project scope for the bidders will be as follows: - Review and assess all relevant documentation relating to each case; - Provide an engagement letter detailing the approach, timelines, costs and contact meetings to conclude the assignment within six (6) weeks from award; - Determine the cause and reasons for the irregular expenditure; - Determine whether any irregularities took place; - Determine whether the irregular expenditure could have been prevented and/or be prevented in future; - Where possible, establish accountability for the irregular expenditure; - Recommend the implementation of appropriate remedial measures where deficiencies are identified; - Obtain, analyse, interpret and document information (including interviews where required) to support the outcomes of the investigations; - Present the report(s) to the Loss Control Committee, when required. (Tender №114004327)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 114004327
Publication date: 13-11-2024


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