Tenders are invited for the Purchase of 4 Prime Livestock and Cash Crop Farms with centre Pivot Irrigation situated ±24km from Vryheid, KwaZulu-Natal. Insolvency sale by tender. • Rem of Portion 2 of Farm Weltevreden no. 371 in the extent of 387,3449 ha and Portion 5 (of 2) of Farm Weltevreden no. 371 in the extent of 283.2814 ha - 27 hectares of land under irrigation. Residential Improvements: Homestead (450m²): Offices (82m²): Lapa (38m²). Garages (120m²): Old homestead (310m²). Agricultural Improvements: Storage & cold room (580m²), Iron shed (140m²), Shed (361m²), Dam storage (220m²), Small store (24m²), Staff housing (120m²), Land Use: Equipped Irrigation cropping land (existing use during qualifying period) (27ha), Equipped Irrigation cropping land (new water use licence pending) (90ha) Dry Lands (110ha), grazing (±419ha) and Homesteads & wastelands (±23ha). • Portion 1 of Farm Onverwacht no. 169 in the extent of 459.3996 ha - Water Supply: 3 x Boreholes and perennial stream. Land Use: Grazing (450ha) & Wasteland (±9ha). • Portion 0 (Remaining extent) of the Farm Schuilhoek no. 243 in the extent of 887,2076 ha - Water supply: Several perennial fountains. one perennial spirit 2 catchment dams and 1 reservoir. Land use: Grazing (±887ha). (Tender №109380936)