Re-Advertisement of contract number RFQ 04/2024: Quotations are requested from service providers for supply, delivery and installation of new air conditioners in SBDM Offices Council Chambers at Sarah Baartman District Municipality, 32 Govan Mbeki Avenue, Port Elizabeth. Scope of work entails: • Removal of two (2) existing 24000BTU Cassettes and three (3) existing 46000BTU hide away duct air conditioners units complete including outdoor units, • Supply, Delivery, and Installation of two (2) x 24000BTU cassette units, three (3) x 36000BTU Hide away system air conditioners complete including outdoor units firmly secure on the brackets on the wall or concrete floor, • Making good where the work was done by neatly cover all hole, gaps and opening on the ceiling around the newly installed unit, • All rubble dump off site, • Labelling all new air conditioners (indoor and outdoor units). (Tender №105954512)