Extension of Closing Date. Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Hazardous Location Repairs for Compliance Certification. (Tender №105617223)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 105617223
Publication date: 06-06-2024


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Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of tools - Vegetation and Servitude Control: Specifications: 1. Cane knife, hooked blade 300h (35mm), poly handle x 10. 2. Axe 0.9kg 400mm, poly handle x 5. 3. 3.5mm 2kg nllon line approx 160m, donut x 20. 4. Clipper, classic hedge x 3. 5. Manual knapsack sprayer 16l x 2. 6. Two-step 475 SC 5l x 5. 7. Chain links 3 8 1.5 1.6 .325 x 10. 8. Aluminium head x 10. 9. Green combination rake, poly handle, 30” x 10. 10. Blade-brush knife x 10. 11. Bow saw with blade 600mm, poly handle x 5. 12. Chain oil 20L x 10. 13. Concrete poly permatube wheelbarrow x 5. 14. Hand garden tool 3 piece set (fork, grubber & trowel) poly handle x 30. 15. Industrial axe, poly handle x 6. 16. Jute rope 20x15mm x 5. 17. Heavy duty tarpaulin multi purpose sail x 5. 18. Heavy duty plastic tool box x 1. 19. Guide bar 16" x 10. Delivery will be direct to the relevant City Power store. Source: ONLINE TENDERS