Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Training & Development Service: ECD NPO Governance, Capacity Building and Mentoring Support (6 months). Specifications: The desired outcomes of the Governance, Capacity Building and Mentoring Support services ECD to the NPO will include: • Mentoring and guidance in order to achieve the organization’s mission and vision; • Ongoing support with the administration and operational tasks of the centre; • Enable the NPO to gain meaningful insights from mentors who have vast knowledge and years of experience in the ECD space, particularly around issues of NPO governance; • Capacity building through various trainings that will include First Aid, Fire & Safety and Governance, Effective communication, Conflict Management and Financial Literacy training. (Tender №102317234)

Country: South Africa
Language: EN
Number: 102317234
Publication date: 05-04-2024


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