EUROPHARM HOLDING S.A. (Brasov, Romania, Supplier №7409): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Phone: +40 268307508
Country: Romania
Town: Brasov
Address: EUROPHARM HOLDING S.A., Str.Ionescu Crum, nr. 1. et. 1, turnul 1, Brasov, 500419, Romania, Punct(e) de contact: 500419,
Contracts: 2760
Awarded Sum: 171 114 462
Currency: RON
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Number: 7403

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 7404

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 7405

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 7406

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 7407

Country: Romania

Source: TED

Number: 7408

Country: Romania

Source: TED