Município de Amarante (Portugal CSTMR№437619): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Portugal

Total: 7
24 jul
Primary education services (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 401 965 (USD)
Price original: 409 968 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Amarante

Number: 87939476

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

30 jun

Number: 86665474

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

22 jun
Architectural and related services (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 335 899 (USD)
Price original: 342 587 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Amarante

Number: 86198095

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

22 may
School catering services (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 592 570 (USD)
Price original: 604 368 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Amarante

Number: 84565556

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

12 may
Refuse collection services (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 26 865 116 (USD)
Price original: 27 400 000 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Amarante

Number: 83948389

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

10 feb
Insurance services (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 711 828 (USD)
Price original: 726 000 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Amarante

Number: 77596324

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

06 feb
Insurance services (EN PT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 711 828 (USD)
Price original: 726 000 (EUR)

Customer: Município de Amarante

Number: 77244394

Country: Portugal

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 437613

Country: France

Number: 437615

Country: Germany