"R-MED" Centrum Zaopatrzenia Medycznego (Konstantynów Łódzki, Poland, Supplier №590834): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Poland
Town: Konstantynów Łódzki
Address: "R-MED" Centrum Zaopatrzenia Medycznego, ul. Dąbrowska 2a, Konstantynów Łódzki, 95-050, Poland, Osoba do kontaktów: 95-050,
Contracts: 3
Awarded Sum: 102 784
Currency: PLN
Contracts information is published selectively

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Number: 590828

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Number: 590829

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Number: 590830

Country: Poland

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Number: 590831

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Number: 590832

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Number: 590833

Country: Poland

Source: TED