Województwo Małopolskie (Kraków, Poland CSTMR№73259): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders. Page № 7

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +48 126303372
Country: Poland
Town: Kraków
Address: Województwo Małopolskie
ul. Basztowa 22
Osoba do kontaktów: 31-156
Tel.: +48 126303372
E-mail: [email protected]
Faks: +48 126303158
Kod NUTS: PL21
Adresy internetowe:
Główny adres: http://www.malopolska.pl

Contracts: 137
tenders: 856
Source: TED
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 505
13 nov

Number: 113988819

Country: Poland

Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

13 nov

Number: 113990318

Country: Poland

Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

13 nov
Dostawa sprzętu komputerowego (PL) add to Favorites
Source: Województwo Małopolskie

Number: 113994230

Country: Poland

Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

12 nov

Number: 113907172

Country: Poland

Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

12 nov

Number: 113913050

Country: Poland

Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

08 nov

Number: 113719606

Country: Poland

Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

and many others... Customers

Number: 73254

Country: Poland

Source: TED

Number: 73257

Country: Hungary

Source: TED

Number: 73258

Country: Poland

Source: TED