Centrum Obsługi Administracji Rządowej (Warszawa, Poland CSTMR№73029): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders. Page № 6

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +48 226947204
Country: Poland
Town: Warszawa
Address: Centrum Obsługi Administracji Rządowej
Powsińska 69/71
Osoba do kontaktów: 02-903
Tel.: +48 226947204
E-mail: [email protected]
Faks: +48 226946121
Adresy internetowe:
Główny adres: http://www.centrum.gov.pl

Contracts: 159
tenders: 322
Source: TED
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 169
22 sep

Number: 91188772

Country: Poland

Source: TED

22 sep

Number: 91188773

Country: Poland

Source: TED

22 sep
Refuse and waste related services (EN PL) add to Favorites
Customer: Centrum Obsługi Administracji Rządowej
Source: Centrum Obsługi Administracji Rządowej

Number: 91190553

Country: Poland

Source: TED

13 sep

Number: 90890202

Country: Poland

Source: TED

13 sep

Number: 90890203

Country: Poland

Source: TED

13 sep

Number: 90890204

Country: Poland

Source: TED

12 sep

Number: 90830214

Country: Poland

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 73024

Country: Finland

Source: TED

Number: 73025

Country: Poland

Source: TED

Number: 73026

Country: Netherlands

Source: TED

Number: 73027

Country: France

Source: TED