Franzefoss Gjenvinning As (Rud, Norway, Supplier №303690): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Phone: +47 90517519
Country: Norway
Town: Rud
Address: Franzefoss Gjenvinning As, NO975265412MVA, Olav Ingstads Vei 5 P.o. Box 53, Rud, 1309, Norway, Contact person: 1309,
Contracts: 2
Awarded Sum: 1 999 500
Currency: NOK
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Number: 303684

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 303685

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 303686

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 303687

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 303688

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 303689

Country: Hungary

Source: TED