Probea AS (Oslo, Norway, Supplier №253853): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Phone: +47 41485000
Country: Norway
Town: Oslo
Address: Probea AS, NO987210125MVA, Biskop Gunnerusgate 14A, Oslo, 0185, Norway, Contact person: 0185,
Contracts: 2
Awarded Sum: 61 111 000
Currency: NOK
Contracts information is published selectively

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Number: 253847

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 253848

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 253849

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 253850

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 253851

Country: Norway

Source: TED

Number: 253852

Country: Norway

Source: TED