Haugesund kommune (Haugesund, Norway CSTMR№101292): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: Trygve.Gunnarshaug@haugesund.kommune.no
Phone: +47 52743142
Country: Norway
Town: Haugesund
Address: Haugesund kommune
944 073 787
Postboks 2160
Contact person: 5504
Telephone: +47 52743142
E-mail: Trygve.Gunnarshaug@haugesund.kommune.no
NUTS code: NO043
Internet address(es):
Main address: http://www.haugesund.kommune.no
Address of the buyer profile: https://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Company/CompanyInformation/Index/313876

Contracts: 19
tenders: 63
Source: TED
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 36
31 oct

Number: 93402737

Country: Norway

Source: TED

30 oct

Number: 93346834

Country: Norway

Source: TED

27 oct

Number: 93236085

Country: Norway

Source: TED

26 oct
Laboratory services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 331 917 (USD)
Price original: 3 600 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 93164386

Country: Norway

Source: TED

24 oct

Number: 93031274

Country: Norway

Source: TED

13 oct

Number: 92469714

Country: Norway

Source: TED

06 oct

Number: 91651235

Country: Norway

Source: TED

03 oct

Number: 91498495

Country: Norway

Source: TED

03 oct
Management-related services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 553 194 (USD)
Price original: 6 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 91498500

Country: Norway

Source: TED

19 sep

Number: 91099965

Country: Norway

Source: TED

15 sep
Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 737 592 (USD)
Price original: 8 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 91015354

Country: Norway

Source: TED

13 sep

Number: 90892005

Country: Norway

Source: TED

04 sep
Refrigerators and freezers (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 829 791 (USD)
Price original: 9 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 90365675

Country: Norway

Source: TED

29 aug
Advertising and marketing services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 737 592 (USD)
Price original: 8 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 90031457

Country: Norway

Source: TED

25 aug

Number: 89835518

Country: Norway

Source: TED

24 aug
Construction work for school buildings (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 6 223 435 (USD)
Price original: 67 500 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 89765700

Country: Norway

Source: TED

17 jul
Provision of language courses (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 460 995 (USD)
Price original: 5 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 87557740

Country: Norway

Source: TED

26 may
Construction work for school buildings (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 5 716 340 (USD)
Price original: 62 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 84867316

Country: Norway

Source: TED

10 may
Washing and dry-cleaning services (EN) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 843 981 (USD)
Price original: 20 000 000 (NOK)

Customer: Haugesund Kommune
Source: Haugesund kommune

Number: 83832341

Country: Norway

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 101286

Country: Macedonia

Source: TED

Number: 101287

Country: Macedonia

Source: TED

Number: 101288

Country: Macedonia

Source: TED

Number: 101289

Country: Macedonia

Source: TED

Number: 101291

Country: Macedonia

Source: TED