E-mail: z.micevska@uzkn.gov.mk
Phone: +389 3289734
Country: MacedoniaTown: Skopje
Address: Cultural Heritage Protection Office
St Gjuro Gjakovikj No 61
Contact point(s): 1000
For the attention of: Zdenka Micevska
Telephone: +389 3289734
E-mail: z.micevska@uzkn.gov.mk
Internet address(es):General address: www.uzkn.gov.mk
Address of the buyer profile: www.uzkn.gov.mk
Electronic access to information: www.e-nabavki.gov.mk
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: www.e-nabavki.gov.mk
Contracts: 3
tenders: 1
Source: TEDContracts information is published selectively