...adrese: Priežu iela 31, Gardene, Auru pagasts, Dobeles novads, kadastra numurs 4646 001 0054... (Tender №95810701)

Country: Latvia
Language: LV
Number: 95810701
Publication date: 08-12-2023


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Other tenders for this period

Erratum: Amendment to the Briefing Session Priority and Validity Period for Contract Number: CSOS0012-2023. Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the provision, implementation and maintenance of a web-based knowledge management solution to analyse, catalogue, and publish CSOS adjudication orders for a period of three (03) years. Scope of work: The successful bidder would be expected to supply, install, and configure a web-based off-the-shelf knowledge management solution for the CSOS. The CSOS does not require subscription services or a Bespoke solution; • Provide hosting services for the solution for a period of three (03) years; • Renewal of licenses for the duration of the contract and where applicable, supply additional licenses. • Provide once-off organizing, classification, cataloguing, uploading, and publishing of the four thousand (4000) identified adjudication orders for the CSOS. • Provide once-off training to 10 nominated users at CSOS and assist with change management to help with the adoption of the solution within CSOS. Provide support and maintenance of the solution for the duration of the contract period including the following: • Continuous updating of content; • Provision ad-hoc training as required by the CSOS; • Provision of end-user support; • Performing any ad-hoc requests as and when required by the CSOS; • Customization of the solution in line with the needs of the CSOS including corporate branding. Integrate the solution with other systems at the CSOS for the purpose of transferring and sharing content. Integration points may include: • Azure Active Directory (access control); • SharePoint Online; • CSOS WordPress website. Please confirm the contract number. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

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