Sinergy Group” Srl (in avvalimento con Sparta d.o.o. Banja Luka) (Scurelle (TN), Italy, Supplier №496924): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +39 0461781900
Country: Italy
Town: Scurelle (TN)
Address: Sinergy Group” Srl (in avvalimento con Sparta d.o.o. Banja Luka), Località Lagarine 9, Scurelle (TN), 38050, Italy, Punti di contatto: 38050,
Contracts: 1
Awarded Sum: 349 982
Currency: EUR
Contracts information is published selectively

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Number: 496918

Country: Italy

Source: TED

Number: 496923

Source: TED