Banca d"Italia (Roma, Italy CSTMR№45260): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Italy
Town: Roma
Address: Banca d"Italia
Via Nazionale 91
Punti di contatto: 00184
Posta elettronica:
Indirizzi internet:
Indirizzo generale:
Indirizzo del profilo di committente:
Accesso elettronico alle informazioni:
Presentazione per via elettronica di offerte e richieste di partecipazione:

Contracts: 104
tenders: 303
Source: TED
Contracts information is published selectively

Total: 66
09 jan

Number: 97520947

Country: Italy

Source: TED

29 dec
Heat-sensitive paper or paperboard (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 494 079 (USD)
Price original: 503 916 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 97127165

Country: Italy

Source: TED

26 dec
Added-value database services (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 352 580 (USD)
Price original: 359 600 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 96896467

Country: Italy

Source: TED

15 dec
Office automation services (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 769 676 (USD)
Price original: 785 000 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 96304131

Country: Italy

Source: TED

12 dec
Application service providers (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 610 201 (USD)
Price original: 622 350 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 96076013

Country: Italy

Source: TED

21 nov
Network equipment (EN IT) add to Favorites
Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 94637664

Country: Italy

Source: TED

10 nov
Internet services (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 4 383 137 (USD)
Price original: 4 470 405 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 93989328

Country: Italy

Source: TED

18 oct
Foreign language translation software package (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 666 824 (USD)
Price original: 680 100 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 92714532

Country: Italy

Source: TED

18 oct
Data-processing machines (hardware) (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 384 524 (USD)
Price original: 2 432 000 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 92716671

Country: Italy

Source: TED

17 oct
Digital transmission apparatus (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 927 533 (USD)
Price original: 946 000 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 92645620

Country: Italy

Source: TED

02 oct
Network equipment (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 8 336 480 (USD)
Price original: 8 502 459 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 91465641

Country: Italy

Source: TED

20 sep
Postal services (EN IT) add to Favorites
Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 91121422

Country: Italy

Source: TED

13 sep
Installation services of computers and office equipment (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 1 505 035 (USD)
Price original: 1 535 000 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 90890924

Country: Italy

Source: TED

08 sep
Software package and information systems (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 4 163 930 (USD)
Price original: 4 246 834 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 90634433

Country: Italy

Source: TED

08 sep
Postal services (EN IT) add to Favorites
Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 90636003

Country: Italy

Source: TED

08 sep

Number: 90638175

Country: Italy

Source: TED

01 sep
Software package and information systems (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 837 803 (USD)
Price original: 2 894 304 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 90239669

Country: Italy

Source: TED

24 aug

Number: 89765720

Country: Italy

Source: TED

16 aug
Internet and intranet software package (EN IT) add to Favorites
Contract value: 2 769 383 (USD)
Price original: 2 824 521 (EUR)

Customer: Banca d"Italia

Number: 89286786

Country: Italy

Source: TED

11 jul

Number: 87247511

Country: Italy

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 45255

Country: Poland

Source: TED

Number: 45256

Country: Italy

Source: TED

Number: 45257

Country: Italy

Source: TED

Number: 45258

Country: France

Source: TED

Number: 45259

Country: Spain

Source: TED