Interleuven (Italy CSTMR№224850): address, contacts, e-mail, tenders

Country: Italy

Total: 11
21 jul

Number: 87813535

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

19 jul

Number: 87686025

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

07 jul

Number: 87087549

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

28 apr
Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus) (EN NL) add to Favorites
Contract value: 10 378 994 (USD)
Price original: 10 585 640 (EUR)

Customer: Interleuven

Number: 83094792

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

28 apr
Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus) (EN NL) add to Favorites
Contract value: 10 378 994 (USD)
Price original: 10 585 640 (EUR)

Customer: Interleuven

Number: 83094793

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79985622

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79985623

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79985624

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

15 mar

Number: 79985625

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

10 mar

Number: 79401183

Country: Belgium

Source: TED

and many others... Customers

Number: 224845

Country: Czech Republic

Number: 224847

Country: Netherlands

Number: 224849

Country: Czech Republic