Erd- u. Stahlbetonarbeiten - Neubau Feldbefestigung (24-00248) (Tender №108134206)

Country: Germany
Language: DE
Number: 108134206
Publication date: 26-07-2024


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Other tenders for this period

Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Hosting, supporting and maintaining Mbhashe Local Municipality website for a period of 12 months. Specifications: - Provide administrator access to the website for the municipality staff to be able to update, edit, and delete content on the content page, - Host the website of the municipality for the contract period and ensure an uptime of 99.999% for the duration of the contract, - Ensure skills transfer to municipal relevant personnel, - Provide support and assistance in maintaining updates to the site framework as well as assistance with the uploading of documents such as Tenders and Quotations when and should the need arise, - Backups - data backups weekly, code backups as needed, - Security - manage all aspects of website security to protect confidential member information and existing content (data, project information, contact details, etc.), and prevent hacks, defacing, etc, - Network uptime - The service provider must guarantee network uptime to be 100%. This guarantee assures that all major routing devices within are reachable from the global internet 100% of the time. Minimize and avoid downtime, - Software maintenance - It is important to manage a dedicated server to keep the software up to date to address security and performance issues. Minimize and avoid downtime, - The service provider is responsible for stopping malicious attacks on the website, - The service provider is responsible for all cPanel issues and restoring website functionality, - The service provider must detail the response time of the calls logged to them either by email, telephone call, or any other agreed channels of communication, - The service provider must have a dedicated help desk contact centre with a response time guarantee, - Data Backup and Retention - Weekly complete or successful backup to ensure the integrity and safety of the website. The service provider must have a restore strategy should the disaster strikes. Backup costs should be inclusive of the total amount, - Website security - Two plugins should be installed on the website to combat spam, namely stop spammers spam control and akismet. MoD Security should be installed to take care of brute force attacks efficiently and silently. Website code and plugins should be updated weekly to make sure the site is always protected from SQL injection attacks and the like, - Monthly offsite support for the 12 months, - Telephone and remote support, - Monthly summary report of change, findings, and recommendations, - Security maintenance of website, Spam comment blocking, and intrusion prevention. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

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